Transition Towns of Wellington - Steering Group Minutes Dec 10th 2007

Present Nicola, Stuart, Paul, Juanita, Marc, Gary (observing)

Apologies Belinda, Dawn, Natalie, Emet, Iona

Meeting the Transition Towns Criteria

The group discussed whether TToW meets the criteria to be recognised as a Transition Town initiative, and how we can demonstrate how we meet the criteria. We went through the 15 criteria and discussed each one. We will approach Rob in the UK to ask him how we need to demonstrate that we meet the criteria. It was suggested that we do this through James Samuels from Transition Towns New Zealand Aotearoa (TTNZA).

We also discussed whether it the was ‘Transition Towns of Wellington’ that needs to meet the criteria, as this group is not a Transition Towns initiative but a Hub. Do each of the individual transition initiatives for the various suburbs/communities need to demonstrate that they meet the criteria?

An option is to explore whether if the TToW group meets all of the criteria that some of these, such as the training and networking criteria, can be used to “passport” the affiliated local groups, making it easier for them to meet all the criteria. This would be a useful facilitating and supporting role for the steering group.

It was agreed that we would write-up how we believe we do meet the criteria and post this on the TTNZA wiki. A number of key points were noted. Nicola/Marc to do

A number of steering group members, including Paul, Nicola and Marc are considering attending a permaculture course in 2008.

Dawn is visiting the UK in February 08 and is planning on meeting up with some of the Transition Town people. Can we use this to get some training?

The idea of designating one person from each suburb to be the key person giving presentations to the public etc. was discussed. Belinda has volunteered to assist in “training the trainer” courses for designated people, as she works in Strategic HR specialising in training and development.

  • The idea of nominating one or two people to be “spokesperson” or ‘expert’ to do presentations, talks etc on Peak Oil and the Transition Town initiative on behalf of TToW was also raised. It was suggested that Dawn and Nicola could do it. It was agreed that this person needn’t be a complete expert on Peak Oil but able to refer people to other resources.
  • In relation to the criteria of linking groups Nicola may visit Opotoki and Hastings over the Christmas period and make contact with the TT groups there.
  • The issue of conflict of interest was raised. (Criteria 12). It was agreed this wasn’t a big issue, but needed to be borne in mind. We don’t need a policy at this stage, but ‘common sense’ should be applied.
  • In relation to links with other TT initiatives, Wellington is working with and having dialogue with TTNZA (Criteria 13)
  • In relation to Criteria 14, to strive for inclusivity across the entire initiative, we agreed that we need to make sure we reach out to all groups in our local communities. This may involve considering how we communicate, where and when we hold meetings etc.

GovernanceIt was raised whether we needed some kind of governance document stating what the structure, aims and objectives of TToW should be. It was agreed that nothing as formal as an Incorporated Society structure was needed nor desirable at this stage, however, it was felt it would be useful to write something explaining the role of TToW and its relationship with TTNZA and local groups. Marc/Nicola to Draft

Funding/koha The issue of how we need to be accountable for any funding/donations/koha we receive was discussed. There was a concern that we may need to set up overly bureaucratic processes in order to guarantee financial transparency. On the other hand it was felt to be important for all concerned (including the person holding any funds) to have some system to keep track of income/expenditure. One idea was to record financial transactions in future minutes. Paul suggested keeping a record on-line. He has done this with another wiki he is involved with ( where a simple cash book is kept online. It was agreed this was a good idea and sufficient at this stage. Paul to develop

Road show It was agreed that Juanita/Nicola and Dawn should head up the road show. The aim is to develop the capability and capacity of local groups to be able to host information events. In the mean time the centralised road show would provide resources, speakers etc. to support local groups. It was emphasised that initial events could be modest to begin with, including activities such as inviting friends and neighbours to view a DVD in your own home. Juanita suggested local groups could approach school principals to gauge their interest. Schools offer good local resources to communities.

Resources/links Juanita brought copies of a couple of NZ Listener Articles that are relevant to TT and Peak Oil. It was suggested that links to any relevant documents are posted on the resource page of the TTNZA wiki. It was suggested we set up a Wellington resource page for locally based info and resources.

Meetings It was suggested we hold a regular meeting with a number fixed agenda items and room for open discussion. This would act as a proto-hub. It was agreed that the wider group should be held every two months at St Andrews on the Terrace.

Next Meeting It was agreed that the next public meeting to be held on the 30th January 2008, would concentrate on awareness raising for groups, including film shows, but looking at other ideas as well. It was suggested that this meeting should be run using “open space technology”.