Steering Group Minutes 2009-02-29

Present—Belinda, Dawn, Tom; Apologies—Barbara, Mike; minutes—Tom

For Wed 18th Feb show Hawke’s Bay TT primer. Would be good for Food + Transport group members to attend as seems to be lack of knowledge. Dawn to organise Community Centre, Belinda website, [Tom Juanita for projector and DVD]

Idea about orchard from Marc—pass back to Gardening group

Submission on urban plan—[Tom now passed back to Carolyn]

Bokashi—lack of news as no Barbara. In hindsight this should have been handed to Food & Gardening group (but realise Christmas break got in the way)

Should distribute some more of our flyers

We came up with a few things to discuss at a future Steering Group Meeting where more people are present:

- Need to catch up with Mike as we agreed to a trial: have a check-in review

- Concern some of us are running out of energy and no sign of replacements coming through

- Belinda finally received bill for flyers—$600! So no more printing and need to find some money or apportion over SG :-(

- Barbara to get some dates from winner of raffle and organise with SG—5 members for 1 hour of gardening