Monthly meeting notes, February 2009

Minutes for Transition Pt Chevalier, Feb 10, 2009

Chair:  Jo

Minute taker:  Margaret

Present: Jo, Deryn, Geoff, Ruth, Margaret, Bruce, Marina, Hanna, Amanda, Yolanda, Jenny, Brent, Keith, Niki, Keren, Bruce, Ellen, Dushko, Crea.

Apologies:  Finn, Sarah, Heidi, Cordelia, Suzanne Kendrick


Jo will email the house rules to everyone.


Date and chair of next meeting:  2nd  Tuesday of every month – March 10, Niki; April 14, Deryn; May 12, Geoff; June 9, Ruth. Other meetings, chairs to be decided: July 7, August 11, September 8, October 6, November 10.


We began with a round of introductions.


Niki gave a short intro to TT for the newcomers.



Niki met with Eva Lawrence from Auckland City council , concerning a community festival, 1-5 pm Sat 21 March at Meola Reef.  Want TT to be there.  A shelter will be provided.  Ruth suggested getting the posters that James has at Waiheke.  Keith can bring a big piece of ply to attach the posters. The council is trying to encourage the community to take an interest in the reef:, e.g. taking responsibility for a patch of land, to count birds, etc. Detailed planning will take place at the next TPC meeting in March.


One of Niki’s University of Auckland students is doing a project on Transition Towns – looking at people’s reasons for joining TT and the things that are working and not working within the TT movement.


Jo suggested that a video on TT from Hawkes Bay be circulated.  She will contact the group in Hawkes Bay to see if they will upload the video so that people can access it.


Another TT is interested in setting up a film evening and want ideas for films.  Dev-zone was mentioned as a source of interesting films. Please contact Ruth if you have any ideas, and she will transmit them back.


Earth hour is coming up.  8.30 -9.30 Saturday 28 March.  It started off with Sydney City Council and Fairfax Media prompting a “switch off” which highlighted turning off electricity all over the city. It   prompted things like pot luck meals amongst friends. People might want to have a street party with candles. Niki suggested meeting at Coyle Park at 8.00pm at  the playground.  Ruth will put a notice in the school newsletter. Niki will write an email which Ruth will circulate.  Some may want to come early and have a bbq before hand.  Bring guitars too!  Deryn will have a go at a  flyer.


Brent (ACC):  1) there is SLIP (small local improvement project) funding available for the Western Bays Community to fund small projects.  Could be benches, cycle ways, fruit trees, etc.  TPC could put up a proposal. The funding is for three years.  Community tools was one idea.  2) described a course in sustainable living that is available.  3) ACC also provide a course called Create your own Eden.  This is a free. 3)  ACC provides a free eco-design service: advice on things like passive solar, active solar design, etc.  Ian Scott is the eco designer at ACC.  Brent will contact Keren about Pt Chev School being  a venue for a talk by Ian, open to the public,  within the next couple of months.  4) Feb 18 Go by bike breakfast in the city.  Bike train leaving from the corner of Carrington and Sutherland Road at 6.45 am.  5) Eco Matters  in New Lynn is having a festival on sustainable living Sunday 8 March.


Feb 19 5.30-7.30  Kids bike event.  Free bike checks are available. Niki and Keren and anyone else who wants to join us will be leaving at 5.30  at the Kanuka St roundabout to go as a group from Pt Chev.


Purchasing group suggestion

Niki explained the marketplace concept - people at the meeting  exchange vegetables, plants, or anything else they have and want to give away.  In addition to this the following purchasing intiatives have happened:

  • Marina placed an order through Trade Aid for those who were interested. 
  • Ruth placed an Ecostore order.
  • Once a month Niki circulates an email for people to place an organic chicken and egg order. 

Niki suggested a calendar with dates for the various orders. She also was keen for more avenues for purchasing organic, local and low packaging products.

 The group discussed  the impact of bulk buying on  Organic World in Pt Chev. It was suggested that  the Organic World people be invited to a meeting.  Ruth suggested that we approach OW about using them  as a drop off place with a surcharge. The decision was to discuss this ideas further:


Tuesday 24 Feb, 69 Dignan St, 7.30 to 9.00 to discuss purchasing all welcome


There may be an opportunity to get involved in the marketing of produce from the Unitec Hortecology garden which will be run by Work Force NZ as a trust.


Howell Davies, arborist, has approached  Grey Lynn and Kinsgland TT to suggest places that where fruit trees could be planted on streets and parks.


There are precedents such as streets in Mt Albert and Kingsland which are lined with feijoas.  Berms have to be 3 metres wide so that car doors can be opened when parked.


Kingsland/Sandringham gardening group has a grafting workshop on 15 Feb.  Ellen will send Ruth the details.


Garden group to meet at Mandy’s on March 1, 10 Lister Street at 4.00pm.  Ruth will send a reminder email.


Crea reported on the last garden group meeting held at her house.  She has converted a conventional garden into an edible garden.


The library group is dormant at the moment.


Jo wondered if we should stop meetings at 9.15pm, several people agreed it was good to aim for this. .

A final round allowed people to say something before the meeting closed.


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