Waiheke Why Wait?

Waiheke Why Wait?

Sunday March 15th 10:00am to 4:00pm - Morra Hall

Economic turmoil, climate change and resource crunches are coming at us - all at once. Tempting though it may be to put our heads in the sand at our favourite beach, it's probably not wise to wait for councils, political parties, your local supermarket or the government to act in our best interest.


In this 4-hour picnic Hui, professional facilitators will help the community agree on some priorities, and move into action for Waiheke's healthy and resilient future. The wider the spread of people who attend this Hui, the more we will be able to meet the needs of our island, so please bring along others who aren't yet actively involved in building the future we want to see.


This is an Open Space event. You can help by inviting neighbours & friends or by putting up posters. You can download the A3 poster and A4 flyer below.
Location / Venue: 
Morra Hall
waiheke-why-wait-A3-poster.pdf130.05 KB
waiheke-why-wait-flyer.pdf83.98 KB
waiheke-why-wait-A4-poster.pdf129.95 KB