Intro notes

Rough notes on how to introduce ourselves:

  • Transition Towns are a community response to the twin issues of peak oil and climate change
  • About a resilient community not as reliant on oil, and can adapt to climate change
  • By community for community
  • Re-skilling people with local focus—gardening groups, knitting, involving older people
  • Started in Kinsale Ireland, then to Totness, numerous others in UK
  • Transition Towns are a framework to work within
  • Big growth in NZ in last 18 months
  • Brooklyn’s just started, we’re raising awareness of peak oil, climate change, transition towns
  • How can we work together? Not out to replace other groups, want to work collaboratively

Information gathering:

  • who is the group we’re talking to?
  • how often do they meet
  • what do they do; issues they have