TTM Energy Descent Action Plan

Community Action Plan


Energy Descent Action Plan

Transition Town Motueka

Members of TTM met on Feb 14th, 2009 to work on their action plans. Most groups already had developed Visions for Motueka 2020 in their sector of interest, and focussed on next steps. The groups that formed around this work were:

Transport, Food, Education, Currency and livelihoods.


Pedestrians and Cyclists

Motivate and educate throughout the transition period.

2020 Have domestic sources of manufacture for bike parts

2015 Cycle and pedestrian feeder routes; public bike pools

2010 Support Community Board in Motueka


Motivate and educate throughout the transition period.

2015 Carpooling is accepted means of small group travel, including park and ride arrangements, with pick-up points.

2010 TDC website for commuters and casual travellers, based on golden Bay model.

Public Transport

Motivate and educate throughout the transition period.

2020 Develop plan for light rail up Motueka River Valley

2015 Continue MOtueka bus local route and assess feeder routes; assess light rail.

2010 Motueka bus in summer, local routes

Coastal Shipping

2020 Coastal shipping for goods and passengers

2015 Develop strategy for coastal shipping – grow hemp for sails, teach skills, work on fuel type, ship size, demand for such service, liase with fisherfolk, yachts, tourist boaties.


2020  More horses

2015 Upskilling use of horses

2010 Stabling for horses in town

Town Planning

2020 Keep planning layout of town to make transport efficient.

2015 Keep planning

2010 Plan so most people live within a 10km radius of work, school, medical services and leisure.



2020 People in the Nelson Tasman region share a stock of knowledge, skills and values appropriate to the conditions of life in their region and to their ability to contribute as local and global citizens. Knowedge, skills and values are transmitted in a learner-centred way.

2015 Motueka University or Tasman Bioregional Institute begins, with advanced knowledge transmission and generation of new knowledge.

2012 Multicentric learning network with coordinator and centre.

2009 Application for funding for coordinator; development of prospectus for learning opportunities; TTM to be incorporated to facilitate application for funding.

Six film evenings, ‘Sustainable Sundays’ to be held in the next 12 months.

The following education endeavours, relevant to TTM, are already in motion:

·          CODERED – Nelson carbon reduction scheme

·          The Transition Town Show on FreshFM

·          TTM public seminars

·          Permaculture and Biodynamic Education

·          Nature School

·          Golightly Farm Education

·          Mountain Valley Community Trust

Besides continuing with the TTM public meetings and radio show, immediate next actions will be the film evening series, the extension of Golightly Farm Education and work on a funding application.



This group has a myriad ideas to promote localisation and security of food production. They focussed on the immediate next steps.


·          Recognise people already doing things that help with transition.

·          Find who can take on projects: TDC, schools, commercial organisations, TTM.

·          Web links

·          Local food audit

·          At least one biodynamic workshop

·          Letters to editor regarding food security

·          Seed-saving campaign

·          Find community garden coordinator……….and more!


This group continues to work on creating a complementary currency for Motueka – the MOSS. They resolved that they would arrive at a common unit to which to match the value of one MOSS.

The vision for livelihoods is that everyone should have a livelihood, that is, there should be no unemployment.