

The contact person for the community group is Roger Waddell

To join this group email

Participants :

Roger Waddell, Hilary Blundell, Hugh Gordon, John Grungy, Christine Gillespie, Robin Simpson, David Kemp, Janet Taylor, Adele Smith, Charlie Goulter, Bruno Lemke.


  • Isolation - spread out community' We are often not aware of the skills in the community. Census/Database of skills and resources in community. Include transport patterns to feed into Carpooling group.
  • Other avenues of connectivity exist - can they better be utilized?Eg: Spring Fling, Costal news, Rose Society, Celia Lashley's group
  • Website - a new one or use existing ones (e.g.,, Ning site - platform of open-space online.
  • Common Physical gathering space. new Waterfront park
  • Lets be smart with our spaces - combine, consolidate, coordinate places (and events)
  • Allotment/community gardens (Aranui road, Opp. Ruby Bay shops),  Food production critical.
  • Common time for gathering: (e.g. ChCh godwit festival). Mapua possibilities:
    • Opening of Bypass (street party) and then annually.
    • Opening of Waterfront park (clean-up site) then annual.
    • Weekly dances (historical)
    • Harvest festival
    • Farmers market as a connectivity on a suitable site (wharf?).
  • An events calendar is needed
  • An information centre (for locals not tourists) is needed (Library or Supermarket)
    • Would be useful to have a paid co-ordinator (is there money for this?)
  • Lots of small groups in Mapua - how can we bring them together?
  • Bringing community gardens and school together - Mandy Stevens at Mapua school.

Action List

Investigate and possibility of self filling out census databases - Roger

Convene this group again to help determine the scope of paid coordinator etc - Hilary

Make a start on scope of a census. What is already available? - Hugh/ Bruno