Notes from the monthly meeting on March10th, 2009

Minutes for Transition Pt Chevalier, March 10, 2009

Chair:  Niki

Minute taker:  Geoff

Present: Deryn, Geoff, Ruth, Bruce, Marina, Yolanda, Jenny,  Keith, Niki, Keren, Ellen, Anne , Guido,  Kate

Apologies:  Finn, Brenda , Walter, Jo, Fransesco

 Meola Reef stall: 21st March 1-5 WE will have an easy up marquee. WE ma share with anothe TT group.

* People offering to person the stall are Niki, Walter, Marina, Kate, Deryn.

* Niki and Keith will bring plywood, compost, GG sign, Bike stand from Pt Chev school, table, chairs, crayons.

* Deryn will make a TT banner, and provide table, chairs, balloons.

* Guido to send digital poster to Geoff for printing A3

* Ellen to make a large map for so that people can locate Pt Chev resources (food, community services, etc)   - resource directory started

* People to come with craft for demonstration and doing

* Prize draw for bikers and walkers (Eco products, compost)

* Display material from sub-graoups (Yolanda to bring bookmarks)

*Ruth to supply butcher's paper for answers to seminal questions e.g How can NZ feed itself?

Earth Hour: Coyle Park 8 - 9.30pm Saturday March 28th

Talk on Buildings: Eoin Scott is available to give talks on eco proofing homes. Keren to put thisionto the next school newsletter.

Purchasing group: Niki reported on the purchasing group meeting. Goals were to create a purchasing community who would focus on organic, local, free trade, cheap, and good quality products and a process of community engagement centred on distribution hubs of six families.  Jenny and Geof had set up a Google docs system for purchasing, and Anne and Ellen added to this with purchasing lists and forms. Anne talked about some free software from Oklahoma where the TT groups purchase $8M a month.

Next meeting on the 31st of March at 31 Seacombe Rd 7,30pm

Garden Group: Keith reported the seed saving/sharing and public fruit tree programme. City Council is said to happy to be contacted re replacing sick trees with fruit and nut trees. Anne reported on a scheme to grow 100-200 pumkins on vacant land up north. Keith said the was land at Riverhead also available for 2-3 people to put in a garden.

Unitec gardens: this is also available for planting - meeting March 17th 5.30pm, ARC building in Pitt St

Awakening the Dreamer: Yolanda attended a 4-hour video and discussion presentation on issues of sustainability. She felt it was very effective and inspirational and wants to form a small group to organise a presentation in Pt Chev. Crea, Ruth and Yolanda will work on this, with the possibility of having a TT Pt Chev members showing first.

Directory of resources: Anne is keen to get this going. It could cover everything from walks, mechanics, fish and chips, after school activities.... Suggested that she might link up with a similar project in West Auckland

Progressive Enterprises Trolleys: Couls anyone finding a Woolworths, Countdown or Foodtown Trolley ring 0800 404040 x4 and ask the staff to pick it up.

Steering Group to establish and publish a next meeting time and place for that group

Next meeting April 14 7.30 pm (Chair Geoff)


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