Waiheke CSA initiative


DATE: 18 March 2009, 4pm


PRESENT: Graeme Johnson, Brian Griffiths (chair), James Samuel, Claire Mummery, Roz Canham, Meriel Watts (via Skype from 4.30), Eleanor Bauarschi, Sue Connor, Marta Fisch; Jennifer Fountain (minutes)


Brian reviewed the progress on the CSA activities to date

Last winter's Hui

Late Aug meeting of 25-30 at the high school & decision to form a steering committee

Sept/Oct coopting of Deb Lyttle, Sue, Marta, Jennifer to join steering committee

November formation of 3 sub-teams to investigate land acquisition, farmer hiring and development of trust document

Feb/Mar finalisation of a trust document, land offer from Rob Fenwick, short list of farmers and departure of Deb Lyttle


AGREEMENT: It was discussed and subsequently resolved as a group that all present should be heard equally and no one should feel excluded or at risk of exclusion by the group.


Sue summarised the contents of the finalised Trust document. Briefly she covered the Objects of the Trust, the establishment of a bank account, the marrying of the goals and intents of the CSA with the legalese required by the Charities Commission, the Trustees and their abilities and liabilities, decision make processes and the requirement for an Ethics document.


Trustees: 4 to 8 trustees are allowed with the ability to coopt two additional people to the board of trustees for short term (2 months?) Current trustees are: Brian Griffiths, Sue Connor, Meriel Watts, Eleanor Bauarschi.


Decisions: Decisions of the Trust are by consensus. In the event of no consensus, meeting is recalled in one month. Consensus minus one will be accepted as a decision at this point.


Ethics: Trustees will be regulated by an ethics document to be developed within 6 months of the completion of the signing of the Trust document (19/3/09). Brian offered that his view is that the Trust would not be doing extensive "hands on" work but would delegate out tasks to others.


AGREEMENT: Discussion followed and it was agreed the Trust needs to be clear that is collaborative, inclusive and consultative in their actions.



Brian summarised the review of the land offer of approximately 5 acres of mostly flat land. The land has good soil and access and water is available. Negotiations are underway with the owner and until these are complete we regret we cannot give further details.


POWERPOINT ON CSAs was shown. Meriel joined via Skype.


A lengthy, air-clearing discussion about the steering committee and its role followed and many shared their concerns, motivations and hopes for participating in the group, forward needs and progress.



Steering Committee for CSA: Graeme, James, Brian, Sue, Claire, Roz/Lloyd, Eleanor, Meriel. Others may be invited to participate on projects or subgroups. The steering committee need not do excessive work personally and may invite others and "steer" them to contribute. However, if a task is taken on, each is responsible for following through (or delegating) that task.


Tasks of Steering Committee:




Funding sources

Community relations and promotion


Operation framework


Developing a reporting/consulting process

Information sharing/transparency with broader populace - particularly those at the Hui and the HS meeting.


(5:30 - Sue and Marta left.)


Fenwick Land Follow Up: Team to meet with Rob includes Brian, James, Eleanor, Claire.


Vision Session: Eleanor, James, Brian and Meriel to link up and formulate draft vision points and suggested operating ideas to share with next Steering Committee meeting.


Others had to depart and meeting ended informally. Next Steering Committee date is still to be fixed. Meriel returns after March 31.