Notes from meeting at penthouse 06/06/2008

Present; Barbara, Belinda, Dawn, Edwina. Tom on leave.

1. Datashow Contact Sustainability Trust to see if can loan their datashow for 18 June - Barb - Do we have a datashow? Betsy is bringing her laptop. I have asked Sharon from the community centre to leave the screen out for us

BARB: BOOKED DATASHOW, will collect early afternoon from Sustainability Trust, but I have a client 5.30- 6.30pm, could I drop off earlier? Not going to be very helpful for set-up, sorry, does someone know how to do the technical bits (Toms' wizzardry?)? Do we need speakers, etc? I can do the set up. Belinda

2. Filming - Ask Betsy for her permission to film - Dawn - Betsy is happy to be filmed and keen for it to go on to You Tube

BARB: BOOKED VID CAM, will collect early afternoon from Sustainability Trust, still hooking up to MIC, etc. May be pretty basic, as room issues for filming will be tight, with seating etc.

Will try and get VID CAM for next day, to get some interviews with Betsy and all at the ARO Valley gathering too...

3. Posters - A3 and A4 sizes to be produced - Barb Printing in colour - Dawn Distribution - Belinda - All done

BARB: THANKS! I still have a few A5 flyers for Penthouse, etc, will drop off this morning.

4. Tea and biscuits - lots and crumbless! - Marc has raided the cupboard for herb teas and biscuits in hand (and mouth).

5. MC of 18 June session - Dawn - Yes in hand!

6. Events finder update - Belinda - done - to-date 2667 hits

7. Display - Ask Commonsense Organics - Marc - Understand Karori Garden Centre are loaning items for a display. Betsy is also going to bring a couple of items for the display

8. Notices in school newsletters - Barb - done

9. Media list - Dawn - done but to give to Edwina

.10 Standard press release - Dawn (Fiona) - Edwina done?

11. SBN re business engagement - Dawn - scheduled Tuesday

12. Update map with flyer distribution - Belinda to clear last deliveries - all to update - done/happening

Is there anything else to do? More fliers?

Be great if we can get to the venue early to sort out chairs and display - i will aim to get there just after 6pm

Hope you have all had fabulous weekends