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April 2009 monthly meeting
updated 13 May 2009
Minutes of meeting on April 14th
Chair – Geoff, Minutes - Niki
Present: Keith, Yolanda, Aly, Ruth, Brent, Finn, Niki, Jenny, Jo, Ellen, Deryn, Geoff
Apologies: Marina, Kate, Vivianna, Crea.
1. Meola Reef Community Picnic. We held a very successful stall at the Meola Reef community picnic at the weekend, thanks to: Deryn, Yolanda, Guido, Geoff, Jenny, John, Keith, Ruth, Ann, Walter, Ellen, Keren and Niki. The map, raffle, banner, hay bales, herb display, posters and bookmarks all were very effective. The map was of particular interest to people, but we need to work out a better system for mounting the map and pins that will stay in place.
2. Earth hour. This also went well, and it was a beautiful night. It was hard to know how many people turned up, perhaps 40 or so. If we do this again we should have a meeting point that is also our gathering point for watching the city skyline (this year we met at the playground and then walked to a different spot, meaning it was all a bit disconnected). We could also light our gathering point with some form of sustainable lighting.
3. Light bulbs. Brent has some energy efficient light bulbs to give away. We decided to offer a free light bulb to everyone who turns up to Eion Scott’s talk.
4. Eion Scott’s talk. Eion is an eco design advisor for Auckland City, and is going to give a talk on sustainable improvements people can make to new or existing homes (energy, water, insulation etc). A date has been set for May 21st, Thursday, 7.30pm, Resource Room, Pt Chevalier School.
1. Geoff to contact the Real Estate people in Pt Chev and invite them to attend
2. Niki to modify the blurb Eion sent, send to Finn and Jo for comment and then post on website
3. Keren to do blurb for the Pt Chev school newsletter
4. Finn to get blurb in Pasadena newsletter and in Ecomatters Trust information bulletin
5. We will have free raffle for people who walk or cycle, donations promised from: Ellen – olives, Deryn – plums, Keith – liquid compost, Ruth – worm wee. Other donations to raffle welcome.
6. Everyone attending will get a free energy efficient light bulb.
5. Purchasing Group.
The statement of purpose was accepted as below (Niki to put on website):
The purpose of the purchasing group is to put in place structures that provide access to food and other products consistent with the overall aims of Transition Pt Chevalier. To do this, we wish to create a purchasing community, in which we develop relationships with producers and suppliers and also strengthen our relationships with each other. Producers, suppliers and products will be chosen by the extent to which they met the following purchasing principles (note, these are not in order of importance and are not all relevant to all products): organic, local, fair trade, low packaging, cheaper than retail, high quality.
We will be having a trial run soon, and are using Google docs to set it up.
We will probably work in units of six ‘families’ with piggy backers (i.e. people who make small or occasional orders, and are attached to a ‘family’).
We are still considering: whether to have restricted or open choice (should people have only the choice of Grey Lynn honey, or should South Island honey also be available?); whether to package goods, or get people to bring their own jars etc for refilling; how to distribute; if we will rotate the ordering task each month.
Ruth said we could borrow her scales for distribution.
6. Gardening group
The last meeting was at Mandy’s house. The rotating around gardens is working well as different issues come up at each location.
The fruit trees subgroup are working out how to proceed, and want to emphasis the learning process- i.e. learning how to plant and look after trees alongside getting more fruit trees in Pt Chev. One of the next steps is to talk with churches and schools about fruit trees in their grounds. They are also considering a SLIPS application and doing a submission on council guidelines.
Three people have taken up the opportunity offered by Keith to use Rob’s land at Riverhead for planting shared crops such as onions and potatoes. There is no cost involved, Rob just wants his land used.
7. UNITEC garden meeting.
About 20 people attended, several from TPC. Workforce have leased the site for 12 months. They are overseen by an advisory board that has environmental, community, education and research representation. Logan and Finn are on the board. The garden group and any other members of TPC who are keen should express interest now in allotments, this will be coordinated by Ruth who will send out an email, and the names of interested parties will be passed onto Logan.
8. Grey Lynn farmers market.
This will be starting in September and people can join for a $20 fee, which gives you 10% discount for a year. Contact secretary@glfm.co.nz for details.
9. Awakening the dreamer
This is aimed for June at the Pasadena Centre. It will be advertised widely, including to other Transition groups. Members of TPC will be invited to bring food to share which is at least partly made with produce from their garden.
10. Directory of resources – to be discussed at the next meeting.
11. Steering group meeting – Finn to organise.
12. Communications – Ruth would like to pass this role on in June. Role involves forwarding information, getting contact details of new people, responding to inquiry emails to TPC, linking people etc.
13. Composting toilet subgroup – proposed and chaired by Deryn. She will send an email inviting others to sit on the group.
14. Auckland City long term plan. It is proposed to cut the walking and cycling budget by 80%. Brent will be doing a personal submission and would like to encourage others to do submissions. He will circulate a submission to Ruth, which others will be encouraged to modify and send to the council.
15. Super city – to be discussed at next meeting.
16. Tree croppers Association meetings – 4th Tuesday of the month at the Horticulture Society building near Valentines, 7.30pm.
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