Notes of Steering Group Meeting - Wed 6 May 2009

Brooklyn Steering Group Meeting


Barb, Belinda, Mike, Kelda (food group)

Noted that Dawn has now stepped down from the steering group as she has left the country and Tom has also stepped down due to pressure of other work. Their hard work has been invaluable in getting Brooklyn TT up and running. The steering group is now, however, a little on the light side and any volunteers would be most welcome.


The Steering group discussed the "legal status" of TT Brooklyn. Kelda reported that as a result of the Brooklyn Market stall and a small grant they had been given, the food group had some funds. They would like to add to the funds for their projects by applying for further funding however this was difficult with out some for of 'legal status'. The steering group agreed and felt that we should investigate the options available and then set Brooklyn TT up as the legal body. Kelda noted that we have about 3 months to get this organised as the food group would want to apply for funds for the community orchard.


  • Kelda to check out the options available
  • Belinda to investigate what other TT groups have done
  • Barb to forward information she has gathered on the matter. 

Food Group activities - Kelda reported back that the food group had several projects on the go at the moment these included:

  • a possible site for a new share garden (the existing one working very well at the moment)
  • the first Brooklyn community orchard
  • a very successful local produce stall at Brooklyn Market
  • a series of educational workshops about seed saving and fruit tree growing.
Other Activities Belinda reported that she is in discussion with other TT groups to bring together a wellington wide TT conference. She is also looking at organising "The Great Brooklyn Frock Swap" and a cycle maintenance class. Barb has set up a meeting with MaryAlice Arthurs from Brooklyn Civil Defence to discuss options for joint activities and has arranged to do a talk with a small local morning tea group. Date of Next Steering Group Meeting 27th May 2009. 6pm Brooklyn Penthouse Cinema.