Monthly Meeting Minutes - May 2009

Transition Pt Chevalier Monthly Meeting Minutes. Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Present: Deryn, Crea, Yolanda, Ruth, Keren, Brent, Jeremy, Rachel, Amanda, Hana, Jenny, Judite, Ellen, Finn, Bridget, Bruce.

Apologies: Geoff, Niki, Keith, Anne, Walter.


Please advise the minute take (Ruth) if you notice any errors in this document so they can be amended.


Submission to Auckland City Council – 10 year plan. Brent.


Even though the council composition is changing the plan and therefore submissions will still be useful and be used for the first couple of years. May 18 submissions close and Brent has created a draught which he read through at the meeting. This was discussed and some additional information was suggested along with an amendment so that the document could be utilized by TPC members to either send in individually and or to send a version as a group.


Brent is going to send the newly amended document to Ruth and she will send this as an attachment to the general interest database via email. Ruth will also see if Guido can post it on the TPC web site. Finn suggested sending a submission from TPC and people were interested in doing this.  Brent also asked if there would be any people willing to front up to support the submission; Finn, Ellen and Ruth put their hands up and some others suggested they may dependent on the date. Brent will come back to Ruth with a date for this and she will circulate to the Direct TPC database.


Spring Party. Finn


Great unleashing – opportunity for public to get involved and for the steering group to then dissolve in line with the Transition Towns model. This event will be a Great Race to find a variety of treasures (historical sites, landmarks etc) around the Pt Chevalier community. Finn put the word out to see who would be interested in creating a group to make this happen and some people did put their hands up. Apologies as the minute taker did not note their names!!!! Aproximate date for event around Sept 19.


Fruit Tree Work-shop. Ellen


Ellen announced that That there will be a FREE fruit tree pruning workshop held at the Ranui Community Garden June 6, 10:00am – 1:00pm. 22 Marinich Drive, Ranui. Local expert Paul Lowe will be running the course. Ellen has sent this information to Heidi so she can send around the TPC garden group. Ruth will also circulate to the general interest database.


Awakening the Dreamer Symposium. Crea, Yollander, Jenny and Ruth


The symposium currently has a tentative date of June 20 and Crea is about to liaise with other facilitators to see if this can work for them. Time will be from 1:00 – 5:00 (Pasadena Centre must be cleared for the next group to use at 5:30). Finn offered to look after any children that could come along to the event if that was agreeable. There was much discussion around this and whether having children around would be too distracting or could increase the likelihood of certain people being able to attend.  Finn suggested that a separate space in the school could be utilized. This will be discussed by the organizers at their sub-group meeting and they will liaise with Finn individually. Ruth has been unable to obtain a projector for use and Bridget advised that she can get a projector for use.


Market Place.


Finn offered two placements for free training (usually $90-$100). One placement for Fertile Gardening was taken up by Crea and she will attend on June 13. The other placement is still available: Fruit, Nuts and Berries – May 23. For more information please contact Finn. The first person who expresses their interest with get this free place in the course.




Purchasing Group. Deryn and Jenny.


Anne had sent through feed back via Ruth that she trialed the google.doc software with her established coop (210 items, 8 participants). “All bugs are pretty much ironed out and it did save a lot of time but printing from google docs is a pain so there is still work to do”. Bridget stated that she knows of another software program that may be useful.


Garden Group. Ellen.


The last garden group meeting/gathering was at Ellens place. Yummy food, interesting garden with lots of South American plants. Pricking out training session was provided.


Passadena Intermediate Garden/s. Bridget.


The school has received two lots of funding for the kitchen cultivators gardens that were established by Finn when he was there. If you are an expert gardener would you be willing to give any of your time to assist with the garden/s?


Mushroom Cultivation Course. Ellen


Course available on May 19, 7:30 at the Horticultural Centre on Great North Rd next to Valentines (opposite Western Springs Lake – in an old concrete building). Be there at 7:15 if you want to take part in their market place as this is prior to the course.


Eco Design Talk.


Reminder that this talk by Eion Scott is taking place on May 21 at Pt Chevalier Primary School.  Eion is an eco design advisor and will talk about sustainable building principles. Please drop all offerings for the raffle (which will be on offer to all people who have walked, cycled etc to the event)off at Ruth’s house by Tuesday, May 19 so she can put everything together and make it look a bit prize like. Contact Ruth if you need her address forwarded to you.


Get Across Protest Gathering/ Potential March. Brent.


Sunday, May 24, 9:00am Get Across (organization pushing for the right to walk and cycle across the Harbor Bridge) are holding a protest. Meeting at the Curran St Park.


Local Household Wind Generation – Query. Amanda.


Does anyone know of any wind generation equipment that can be used for individual homes? Amanda was given some leads including Ecovations Michael Lawley. If anyone has anything further to add please send to Ruth and she will forward  to Amanda. Amanda was also wondering if anyone else is interested in this sort of thing.


Super City Hikoi.


Monday, May 25. Ruth will send information around to the general interest group.


Annual Permaculture Hui. Finn


Queens Birthday Weekend the annual permaculture Hui will be held down the line – a bus is being arranged. If you are interested in attending please contact Finn.


David Holmgrem is speaking this weekend. Finn


David Holmgrem is speaking this weekend at Rainbow Valley Farm. If you want further information pelase contact Finn.



Notices regarding people talking on May 13 evening of:


-          Warren Snow, Grey Lynn 2030.

-          Rainwater collection at Sustainable Living Centre Waitakere.

-          Mt Albert local electorate candidates speaking at Unitech, Yellow lecture theatre regarding Transport Solutions: 7:30- pm.


Workforce - Unitec Garden Sanctuary. Finn


The advisory board have met and are looking for people to partake in a working bee to plant garlic. Finn will send an email to Ruth to circulate.


Waterview/Avondale/Mt Albert Proposed Motorway.


Some general discussion around this disappointing news. Ruth said she will keep her ear to the ground and advise on any information obtained. After hearing on am of Wed, May 13 on National Radio that Duncan McDonald from the Avondale Community Board is willing to lay down in front of bulldozers if that is what it takes to stop it then he will do so… Ruth tracked him down and made contact. After some discussion Duncan has asked if all community groups interested in supporting opposition to the motorway can gather names, emails and contact numbers for those wising to support the cause and forward in an excel document to him at


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