Polling Waiheke

Purpose: To increase community engagement on community issues.

Target: Maximum participation and non-subjective data on range of issues.

Method: Community-wide voting events (to be repeated periodically).

Proposal: There are a few key elements of the plan.

  • Use existing venues for polling booths
    The ones we are all familiar with and go to for general elections
  • Engage the trusted and senior members of the community
    To 'man' the polling tables and count the votes
  • Invite people to vote on a range of items
    From those currently outside our sphere of influence,
    to some we can influence and act upon.
  • We pay someone to manage this project
  • We make the voting days celebratory events


The voting paper might look like some version of this:

  • Should Waiheke manage its own waste resource using a local organisation?
  • Could we organise and manage our local affairs more efficiently than ACC?
  • What infrastructure investments are most important right now?
    Choose your top 2
    • New Library
    • Community Swimming Pool
    • Community Gardens and Orchards
    • Create a community marketplace facility for produce and other trading
    • Establishing more bike lanes
    • Implement a second marine reserve
    • Etc.
  • What community projects are the most important to focus on right now?
    Choose your top 2
    • More beach plantings to retain the sand dunes
    • More Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) projects
    • Clean up the rubbish off our beaches
    • Setup a community operated transport system
    • Etc. (it would be great to have a dozen to choose from)

If you want to explore and progress these ideas, I am often on Oneroa beach early in the morning, just txt me on 0274 372 082 and we can meet up for a walk.

James Samuel