Lending library

Please add to this list if you have films you are happy to share, and let people know where you are living.

Patrick (patrickmorgan1 #at# gmail.com) in Wellington South has:

  • Richard Heinberg interviews (2005, 2 hours)
  • Global Dimming (BBC, 2005, 50 mins)
  • Arithmetic, Population and Energy, a lecture by Dr Albert Bartlett (73 mins)
  • Oil, Smoke and Mirrors (40 mins)
  • Sonia Shah's 30-minute audio on Crude: The story of Oil. Or you can download it here.

James Samuel on Waiheke has most of the titles on the Film list

The Environment Centre Hawke's Bay has copies of several DVDs to lend or can point you in the right direction locally. We also have copies of Jo Duff's presentation 'Transition Towns: Planning for a Low Energy Future' on sale for $10 plus p&p. Or view it in four parts here.