Transition Pt Chevalier meeting July 14, 2009

                        Transition Point Chev Minutes                                                   July 14 2009


Present:            Guido, Keith, Niki, Crea, Sara, Amanda, Geoff, Darien, Ann, Ruth, Finn

Apologies:         Marina, Bruce, Catherine, Ellen and Yolanda.


Subgroup updates:

Gardening Group:

-          A new community garden is being established at the Old Homestead.

-          Megan Otto (a member of the garden group) is writing a funding application for rainwater collection for the community gardens.

Blogs and Forums

-          Blogs: A blog is driven by one person who has control of the blog. Only ‘blogger’ can write a blog. Others can comment on/about blogs

-          Forum: A forum is organised and driven by a community – anyone can write/add to it. Transition Town NZ already has a forum function where anyone can contribute, however each user may need to log in.

-          Link fro table to forum and visa versa                     [ACTION]

-          There was a discussion on the benefits of having an Events and Activities page on the web                                [ACTION]

-          Possible to organise a link from the Table to Forum and from a Forum to the Table.


Purchasing Group

-          Google documents is set up.

-          Please include Guido, Finn and Sara onto the mailing list [ACTION]

-          Niki can’t get into Google docs        [ACTION Logan and Niki to meet]

-          The purchasing group is almost ready to start

-          We need to think of the Grey Lynn Market and not compete with them


TPC House Rules

                        - Amended and passed the draft House Rules as official House Rules


Awakening the Dreamer Symposium

                        - 40 people participates; 20 people pre-registered. It was hugely successful.

- Ruth, Jenny, Crea and Yolande organised it

- Finn looked after the kids

- Ruth and the woman from the Old Homestead started a conversation about    a Community Gardens there which is now underway!


Submission – TPC

-    Crea, Darien and Ellen presented and encouraged us to participate in the process.

-    Recommended film: “In the loop” Tony Blair documentary.


Emissions reduction target:

-          Many organisations are pushing the government for a 40% reduction of emissions by 2020. The council organised a consultation process.

-          Geoff, Darien, Crea, Yolande, Jenny and Niki went

-          There were hundreds of other people present showing overwhelming support for the target.

-          The Herald newspaper published an article one week later

-          The relatively minimal media attention highlights the need for public relations/ political engagement and communications strategy for TPC.


Amazing Race/ Great Unleashing

-          Heidi, Bruce, Sara and Finn met up to discuss ideas

-          They came up with lots of ideas, but more people are requested to join

-          Niki, Darien, Ruth and Guido are all interested

-          “Rogaine” is a possible method/model to use – being used in South Island for similar large scale community ( )

-          November suggested as a good time

-          Check out the historic map (made by Leigh Kennaway [sic?]) [ACTION]



-          Ruth is setting up a gmail list, but is having difficulty sending group emails                         


Fathers Forum on Sustainability

- Geoff is setting up a forum and wants input on sustainability and fatherhood                                                                          [ACTION]



Geoff is to chair the November meeting


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