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Little Eco-Footprint Resources - Books, specially chosen with Transition Towns in mind
updated 22 Oct 2008
Little Eco-Footprint in the Wairarapa selected these books with Transition Towns readers in mind - understand, learn, be inspired!
On 1st November we open anew in the Eco Hub at the expanded Greytown Fresh, a large roadside fruit and vegetable market just north of the town. The new owners of Greytown Fresh operate “Simply Good Food”, the first community supported agriculture scheme in the country, supplying over 100 members (still increasing) in Wellington and a growing number throughout the Wairarapa. They will gradually replace the present range of commercially-grown produce at Greytown Fresh with the same high quality, locally-grown, organic produce that they supply to the members of Simply Good Food.
Greytown Fresh is being re-named “Simply Living” and transformed into a centre for ecological living, with a Koanga Garden Centre (yes, the real thing, just like the original in Northland) and the new Eco Hub, supplying – and modelling – energy-efficient technology, and sustainable building and living products. Greytown Fresh, Koanga Garden Centre and Eco Hub are complementary parts of one whole centre for ecological living - you'll find answers to all your resilience, sustainability and self-sufficiency questions under one roof.
The Eco Hub will display, and in some cases stock, major energy-saving items such as solar water heaters, wool insulation, electric bikes, bike trailers, composting toilets and Pyroclassic super-efficient wood-burning stoves. We will also stock a range of smaller items, such as home preserving and baking supplies, light bulbs and books.
Education is an important function of the Eco Hub, and we will be offering regular workshops on all aspects of sustainable living, including growing, preserving and storing food, natural fibres for clothing and furnishings, and building and retrofitting energy-efficient homes. Our product range is designed to enhance the workshops by providing the equipment needed for the principles and skills we teach.
In preparation for the move to the Eco Hub, Little Eco-Footprint are offering the following books at their old prices. The new shop will still stock books (a different range of titles), and you will be able to mail-order them, but, for reasons you will understand, their prices will be increased. This is a unique opportunity to stock up your library with some important books.
To order any of these titles, contact Sonia Corbett, sonia.corbett@nettel.net.nz; phone 06 379 8040
Book List
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming
Paul Hawken, $45.00
…a beautiful, soulful, crucial book. It is a manifesto of hope for the twenty-first century… Paul Hawken chronicles and testifies on behalf of this ‘movement with no name’ with his charismatic intelligence and insight.
Gaia's Garden: a Guide to Home Scale Permaculture - SOLD OUT
Toby Hemenway $49.95
Beautifully produced, very practical for everyone from small home gardeners to full-scale Permaculture farms
How to Grow More Vegetables and Fruits: (And Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and Other Crops) - SOLD OUT
John Jeavons $37.50
A classic in the field of sustainable gardening, HOW TO GROW MORE VEGETABLES shows how to produce a beautiful organic garden with minimal watering and care, whether it's just a few tomatoes in a tiny backyard or enough food to feed a family of four.
Living the Good Life - Only one left
Linda Cockburn $35.00
One family's experience of living off their own land.
Natural Remodeling for the Not-So-Green House: Bringing Your Home into Harmony with Nature - SOLD OUT
Carol Venolia & Kelly Lerner $49.95
This unique guide teaches the basics of ecological renovation, planning, choosing materials, and making you home more energy-efficient. It presents simple ideas … to more advanced moves … the tools to create your own green haven.
Peak Everything: Waking up to the Century of Declines (Hardback)
Richard Heinberg $37.50
As Peak Oil becomes painfully obvious, minerals, water, food, and all the other commodities we take for granted are also 'peaking'. Richard Heinberg explains why, the implications and some practical suggestions for surviving this century's challenges. Coming from one of the world's leading authorities on this subject, Peak Everything is authoritative and informative as a resource for those who already accept the 'peak' thesis, and clear and accessible to those who question its validity.
Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble - Only one left
Lester R. Brown $42.50
Outlines a detailed survival strategy for the civilization of the future.
Powerdown: Options & Actions for a Post-Carbon World - Only one left
Richard Heinberg $29.95
Heinberg’s classic analysis of the crisis that is Peak Oil, with four possible scenarios of the future.
Reinventing Paradise - Only one left
Rod Oram $32.00
How is NZ really performing in the world economy and what does our future hold? An accessible and fascinating collection of columns by Rod Oram, international financial journalist.
The Humanure Handbook: A Guide to Composting Human Manure, - Only one left
Joseph C. Jenkins $39.95
Finally we have a comprehensive book on recycling human excrement without chemicals, high technology, or pollution. Well written, practical, and thoroughly researched.
The Long Emergency - SOLD OUT
James Kunstler $32.50
What sets the Long Emergency apart is its comprehensive sweep - its powerful integration of science and technology, economics and finance, international politics and social change, along with a fascinating attempt to peer into a chaotic future.
The Oil Depletion Protocol: A Plan to Avert Oil Wars, Terrorism & Economic Collapse
Richard Heinberg $29.95
A unique proposal for the most practical and effective global response to peak oil - essential reading for all who seek to avert a peak oil collapse.
The Post-petroleum Survival Guide & Cookbook: Recipes for Changing Times - SOLD OUT
Albert K Bates $35.00
Practical community self-sufficiency with a bit of fun! Written by the founder of 'The Farm', one of the first eco-communities ever.
The Revenge of Gaia - Only one left
James Lovelock
Gaia theory tells us that the entire Earth functions as a single living superorganism … that organism is sick. In the tradition of Silent Spring, this is a call to action to address a major threat to our collective future.
The Upside of Down
Thomas Homer-Dixon $35.00
The 'tectonic stresses' - climate change, energy crises, environmental pressures, population stress and economic instability - are not the end of the story. They also present opportunities for change.
The Weather Makers - Only one left
Tim Flannery $35.00
The finest account of the overwhelming science behind global warming. Australian scientist Tim Flannery gives us a terrifying glimpse of the future, and an urgent call to action
We Are The Weathermakers
Tim Flannery $21.95
Children's version of The Weathermakers
World Made by Hand: A Novel - SOLD OUT
James Howard Kunstler $39.95
A novel, set in a small town in New York State some time in the not distant future. Is this how our world will be in 20 years’ time?
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