Growing herbs: weekend workshop with John Massey

Saturday October 3rd and Sunday October 4th 9.00am – 4.30pm at Riverside Community & Cultural Centre, Inland Moutere Highway, Lower Moutere (7 km south of Motueka).

Herb identification, wild weeds walk, companion planting and pest management, propagation (root division, cuttings, layering), making insect sprays and compost tea, making salves and ointments...

John Massey is a master gardener, bee keeper, seed saver, ‘kitchen pharmacist’ and professional herbalist, with an extensive and global knowledge of edible weeds and plant uses. John did his formal herb training at the California Herb School. During his 18 years of working at both the Golden Bay and Waimarama Community Gardens (Nelson), he has facilitated regular courses in nature observation and attunement, guiding participants into the mysteries of the plant world, plus their practical application.

Fees for this workshop are $85 – $160, sliding scale.  Contac   Accommdation - Marae Style is available @ $10 p.night. Mattress & Sheet - Pillow and case provided. BYO duvet/sleeping bag

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Barbie Cole Riverside Community & Cultural Centre
Lower Moutere Ph. (03) 526 7033 ext. 26.