Minutes Monthly Meeting Tuesday 13 October 2009

Transition Pt Chevalier

Monthly Meeting Minutes October 13th 2009


Present: Deryn, Yolanda, Jenny, Finn, Anne, Jo, Geoff, Ellen

Apologies: Keith, Niki, Ruth, Crea, Walter, Guido


BBQ – gardening sub-Old-Homestead group: BBQ on 16.10.09, 6pm, sausages gold coin koha, excess will go to seed fund. The then hesitation to dig in broad beans was clearly overcome on 17 Oct.

Deryn - has viable chick peas for seeds and wants to share these for growing.

Anne - Sustainability awards nominations coming up, TTPt Chev wants to participate by nominating Civic Contractors for their superb recycling scheme at Diwali.

Ellen – suggests that Ngati Whatua may be nominated as the 1st rubbish free event organisers at Waitangi Day; Finn will support application.

All – think it an option nominating TT Pt Chevalier.

Anne to find application forms online.


Treasure Hunt subgroup – * signs are up at Countdown, * volunteers are needed (traffic marshalls and people at stations, emails to Ruth - ttptchev@gmail.com), * Pt Chev library will put on display on TH, *event will be promoted in school newsletters;

Deryn - will make fudge in Homestead Kitchen for participants

Ellen - will bring soda machine and lemon syrup for participants

Walter - to check re kitchen use at Old Homestead.


Purchasing Group - currently only minimalistic goods available, list may be expended and simplified in near future, PG is looking for ways to increase member and purchasing pod numbers,

Jenny - may be able to do admin for 1-2 pods

Ellen – suggested that multi-media presentation on how to use may increase uptake and confidence in using system.


Future workshops

Ellen – would Anne consider to hold a workshop on char coaling? 

Query – scope for interest of workshop „How to keep chicken in your backyard – visit 4-5 properties in Pt Chev“ – if enough interest, Ellen is happy to organise – if helped with addresses of chicken people in Pt Chev.


Jenny – has water kefir to give away and will bring next time

Kombucha – Finn has Kombucha to give away

Geoff – recommends website www.Tuanuki.com for downloading informative movies about things you can do (presumably to help fight climate change)


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