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updated 23 Nov 2009
Date: 16/11/2009
Location: Sea Dragon Restaurant
Commenced: 1730 pm
Members present: Cheryl, Chris, Jim and John
Apologies: Rebecca
Minutes taken by: Chris
Reading of last minutes and discussion as we progressed through, summary of discussions as below.
Tasks as of last meeting:
- Chris to create short skills list - see attachment.
- Max's follow up on software - pending.
- Alana contact Lyttleton - pending.
- Cheryl contact Rebecca re long registration form - in process. Also contact Anah at the Herb shag re working bee member's list - Anah unable to find the list but still looking for it.
Roles: agreed that we need a coordinator as contact person and to record transaction. This would preferably be a paid position and raised the question of funding a.) for running the register and b.) to get the project started.
Funding: was identified as one of the first steps to start. Awaiting Alana's report on communication with Lyttleton group and info about the Tindell foundation. Sponsorship sources as discussed during last meeting, awaiting Max's report.
Place of operation: a central office space as contact was discussed again and the options of space available at te Korowhai Trust and/or Mitre 10 abandoned. Enquiries at CBEC and Environment Centre considered. John mentioned the Kaitaia People Centre and that they probably might even have potential to work alongside. Didn't finalise this today, but agreed to contact the Centre in 2010.
Flyer: Undecided whether to go for one or two pages flyer.
- Chris suggested on info flyer on base of the Lyttelton flyer (see attachment) and a small inlay with registration and skills list - to be handed to ... coordinator/contact address.
- Cheryl mentioned that we need to consider that we might employ different ways to reach people such as via email, mail, and personal.
Decided that we need a more indepth discussion as to the format of the flyer and to use Lyttelton flyer to get a quote from Top Print re format and print costs and to present at Steering group/Pot luck dinner meeting 07.12.2009.
Scope of the Alternative Currency Initiative: discussed briefly that we at this point in time would look at including Time-banking, Green dollar and Barter aspects and would leave it to the individuals how to arrange with each other. The need for a coordinator to record transactions was again emphasised.
Cheryl mentioned that we need to follow up on the Peace Garden Working Bee as to keep the momentum going.
Minutes on TTK web-space: agreed to post all minutes to the webmaster Gary to create a subheading "Alternative Currency Group" and place on TTK web-space.
Community Banking: John reported on recent contact re Far North District Council initiative for a Community Bank (Ken Ross - Council member and Community Development and Trevor Norton - General Manager for Strategic Development and Governance). He proposed that we as a group should get in contact and offer teamwork/support.
- Cheryl agreed to contact Top Print and get quote for flyer. Further to contact Alana re Lyttlton communication and funding options.
- Chris agreed to collect minutes and contact webmaster to place on TTK webside.
- John to follow up Council initiative.
Next meeting: Steering group/Pot luck dinner meeting 07.12.2009 at the Bridge Cottage Restaurant, 5 pm.
Meeting closed: 1915 pm
· Date of Meeting: 12 October 2009 - 5:30pm, · Location: Sea Dragon Restaurant
· Members Present: Alana Tobin, Max Tobin, Christine Mechanek, Cheryl Toka, Jim
· Apologies: John Kenderdine, Rebecca Ranum
· Proceedings: · Meeting called to order at 5:30 by Alana
· Minutes taken and submitted by Alana Tobin
· Followup - Last Meeting Commitments:
Three sample registration forms submitted from 3 members for review and revision
Max unable to schedule meeting Re: Website/Software (see recommitment).
Article was submitted by Alana and published in PP
· Current Group Goals: (Review/Actions/Progress)
1. Revise, Print/Make Available Short and Long Registration Forms
-(Optomise more complete form to add people and skills)
2. Explore Steps towards Funding?
A. about Role Commitments for funding purposes, consistent TB progress, stability of core group
3. Getting Businesses and Organizations involved?
4. Explore Ways to increase membership?
5. Progress of Website/Blog updates/Software to Record/Automate Trades
Group appeared to need to get clear repeatedly throughout meeting as to what we are currently trying to where we are and what we want to achieve, what are we doing now and who is doing what again?
· Questions - Where we Are and where do we Desire to go next?
1. How many people are currently on our list interested in Timebanking?
2. Are there people on the general TT list that wish to be added or attend meetings?
3. Are there people who participated in working bee at Herb Shack interested to be added?
4. Whats happening with re: to looking at a space for operations
· Topics/Kaupapa
Group Progress/Roles: In response to questions, Alana stated that we appear to be attending to basic tasks, making it up as we go along currently (flying by the seat of our pants). Alana raised the issue that in order to keep this initiative moving forward, that it would probably be a good idea that the group has individuals committing to tasks/roles on a consistent basis. She stated that Rebecca had opted for the Coordinator position, who is keen on doing what in future? No offers to opt in for any additional roles at present.
Registration Forms: Long form vs short, with listing more skills to tick (as helps generates ideas of skills to submit) and terms.
Space of Operation: Jim asked if there was any more consideration to having premises for operation.
Currency TB and dollars: There was a brief discussion about how we might integrate currency with timebank initiatives, however group decided to stay focused on moving the TB initiative forward as prime focus. Also some comments again similar to last meeting about how people might negotiate barter, green dollar, national currency whilst negotiating time bank hours as it involves special needs or products involved within the trade ie...petrol, tools, travel, etc.
Sponsorship: Max suggested we might explore sponsorship sources.
Progress Notes of TB: Alana shared the idea of our running blog with Currency Meeting Progress Notes online on our website much like was done with Lyttelton Timebank meetings. Group liked this idea. Helps all to see what is transpiring with this initiative both in the big and little picture on ongoing basis...great to have available online for new people interested to read about the evolution of our timebank.
Celebrations: Alana suggested that we have regular celebration meetings in balance with working ones and mention was made by Chris of the upcoming Potluck scheduled for 7th Dec Monday at 5pm, at the Bridge Cottage Restaurant. All were invited to come along.
Commitments: Tasks/Mahi
-Chris agreed to type up short form of registration sheet - for tri-fold which integrates the best information from three samples presented.
-Max's follow up regarding software and website meeting with Geof Stumpf; He renewed commitment as wasn't able to meet last month, but will do so prior to next meeting, to explore if CES software can be integrated into the free website and if we can create an active blog for participants to add notes.
-Alana agreed to contact Margaret Jeffries from the Lyttelton group to see if she would be keen to schedule another Skype meeting in order to gain advice/suggestions - how to best approach local businesses to get them involved in TB initiative, also what steps are needed in order to obtain funding from Tindell Foundation - how might best prepare material for that application. Alana will provide that feedback at the next meeting. Alana also agreed to make a copy of the article for Pennypincher about what is a timebank, available for educational purposes/people wanting to know the basics.
-Cheryl agreed to contact Rebecca to see if she would be willing to create a synthesis of information from sample forms to create the long registration form with more skill options. Cheryl would help by providing the information to her and the forms. Cheryl also agreed to contact Annah from the Herb Shack about those who participated in the last working bee, to see if participants on the list may be interested to register with the timebank to provide skill information, wants and offers, etc. Those who participated in the bee, have already potentially earned initial time bank credit hours.
· Achievements:
Reviewed three sample forms for registration to determine what content to utilise and what will be a short/long form and participants agreed to create the forms for next meeting.
All present agreed to meet next on Monday the 16th November, 5:30pm at the Sea Dragon Restaurant.
· Meeting Adjourned at 8p.m.
Present:Max Tobin,Alana Tobin,Jim Kelley,Christine M,Richard W,Cheryl Toka
Minutes read
Matters Arising:
*List of TTK email addresses for people willing to participate in working bees yet to be done.OR put out book at each event.
*Alana putting together article for Penny Pincher-Community education
*HeKorowai offered a room for meetings if needed
*Warren was to investigate tax status(carried over)but this will only be an issue when we are making money...
*WEBSITE: Geoff Waterhouse said George Stumph willing to set up a website and will meet Max in Russell sometime.
good for creating skills exchange.Max will join Kerikeri website.
Tyndall foundation supported Lyttleton Timebank therefore keep a note of times everyone puts in should we get away from the concept of ‘dollars'.
In Wairarapa they did a survey to increase interest in skills bank.
Software?-to be specific for time banking?
-also possibly time management?
List of people interested in hosting a working bee is ? with Rebecca?
But can TT reach the very people interested as they may not be on internet
THEREFORE-have a physical template at every get together
Failure of time banks have been because a key person has pulled out therefore need a co-ordinator and a focal point and a tracking record.
People who want a hard copy will have to pay for it.
Coordinator must get paid in real terms not time bank.
John will check Westforce Credit Unoin in Whangarei
Richard suggests maybe doing S W O T analysis of project
Working Green dollars and Time bank together needs to be considered i.e.with regards to tools and materials used.
Conference reinforced that it is ‘Complementary Currency' rather than Alternative Currency
Does Gary Little,webmaster of TTK need to be contacted in regards to software,George Stumph etc?
John is to be the contact person for the Currency working group
John has done 3 radio interviews this week re:TT
Jim talked about Hamiltons Green Dollar breaking down due to issues such as fees.
Cheryl to prepare template to round interest in working bee/time bank Green$/skills directory
..to go out to distribution list.
Alana to put together survey form re: skills
Max-attending meetings is something to be time banked..although everyone says they are doing this as volunteers as all passionate about cause.
John to check out TeKorowai Trust
Next meeting - Monday 12th at Sea Dragon
-2 beers
-Max re;website &time/green $
-Complimentary currency - not alternative
-Contact person - John K
-Draft template ) log
-Survey-determine skills ) in
-Alana - article for penny pincher
-Jim mix and match of green $/time banking
-Keep membership free
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