Transition Towns: Planning for a Low Energy Future - Kapiti

AndrewTTK's picture

Transition Towns Kapiti invites you to an informative Documentary Film Evening.

We will be showing Transition Towns: Planning for a Low Energy Future

A presentation by Jo Duff of the Sustaining Hawkes Bay Trust
In this presentation Jo gives a brief into to Peak Oil and Climate Change and then introduces us to the Transition Towns concept. Covers some of its history, and achievements of Transition Towns in the UK and other similar grass roots movements happening around the globe. Includes some good information specific to New Zealand.

When: Thursday 17th July, 7.30pm
Entry: Gold Coin Donation
Where: Kapiti Uniting Church
27 Raumati Road

Transition Towns Kapiti is a group of citizens concerned with preparing our community to have a more sustainable future by transitioning us from a fossil fuel dependence to a more sustainable way of life.