KAPITI FOOD FOREST community feedback meeting

AndrewTTK's picture

You are invited to attend the first...

community feedback meeting.

WHEN: 7:30pm Monday 7th December

WHERE: Paraparaumu Community Centre (next to library off Rimu road)

Food is such an incredibly important issue for everybody. We need to start reconnecting as a community with where our food comes from, learning how to grow good quality food sustainably and teaching these vital skills to our children. Our food and health are too important to leave solely to others. So what is a food forest? Also known as a forest garden, a food forest is a productive garden designed like a forest. Organic principles are used to create a stable, functioning environment based on the ecosystem and multiple layers of a natural forest. Species will be selected to harmonise with each other and to fulfil the needs of gardeners. The Kapiti Food Forest steering committee is seeking community feedback. While options are being explored for where the food forest may be situated, volunteers are needed to help make the project a reality. This public meeting has been arranged for all interested members of the community to attend. Attendees will hear more about the proposal, meet the team and be able to give input.

Introduction to what a food forest is.
Why we want a food forest on the Kapiti Coast.
Introduction to the Kapiti Food Forest steering group (the eight people behind this project).
What the community (you) can do to help.
Open Discussion.

Further details of the food forest project are available at http://ttk.org.nz/

Contact person: Bena Denton 04 905 6151

Imagine a place that works in harmony with nature. Imagine a place that provides a sustainable food supply. Imagine a place that is an oasis of tranquility in a busy world. Imagine a place that will educate, inform and inspire people. A group of Kapiti residents are imagining all of that. Inspired by the ideas of permaculture expert Geoff Lawton, the group is currently exploring sites for the establishment of a sustainable food forest in the local area.

Look forward to seeing you there, The Kapiti Food Forest steering group.

Location / Venue: 
Paraparaumu Community Centre (next to library off Rimu road)