Minutes Monthly Meeting Tuesday 8 December 2009

Transition Pt Chevalier Meeting

December 8, 2009

Present: Thomas Benzie, Anton Hovius, Anthony Smith, Aleisha Wallabh-Smith, Joss Wallabh, Diana Ward, Ellen, Keith, Bruce, India, Sally, Niki, Crea

Apologies: Yolanda

St John’s Youth Group – talked about their volunteer role and desire to reach out into the community. Meetings are on Monday night in the Lions Club Community Hall Raymond St at 6.30 – 8pm during the school term. We will schedule a presentation about what they do for the March TTPC meeting. Have 15 eager teenagers to give back to the community.

Garden group: Last meeting was at Pasadena Intermediate School. The school has developed a lot of raised beds and an enterprise producing worm tea. Also learning how to cook the food. The community garden group had a huge working bee last Sunday. A lot of spring gardening group activities.

Fruit tree planting group: The council is working through three applications to trial fruit tree planting in the community. Ellen is interested in any support for fruit tree planting activities.

Purchasing:  We have had two successful purchases with Chantal and Ceres. Still investigating using small producers and getting in touch with growers.

Treasure Hunt: Put themselves to bed last week and have stockpiled all their resources. Bruce will put together a pack for other communities as to how to run a similar event. There will be a follow-up library display coordinated by Bruce and Yolanda with the library group.

Library: No new plans at the moment.

Communication role: We hope to rotate this role next year, so if anyone is interested put up your hand!

Venue for next year: We discussed various options including the Homestead. The Lion’s club is also an option. Thomas and Sally to talk with Sam about the name of the Lion’s club person and pass on to Niki. Niki to ask Yolanda to craft an email to ask about meeting times for next year, and an announcement about the meeting will be made by end of January.

End of year event: From 6pm at Harbour View end of Pt Chev, all welcome.

Chicken group: Anton raised the possibility of a group to share eggs.

Edible garden tour: Ellen talked about a garden tour and Anton described his free range chicken set up.

Meeting ended at 8.45pm



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