Koanga Institute Open Day 2010

Each year we open our food and seed gardens to the public and
share what we've achieved and learned over the past year in the
field of living simply... and what our goals are for the next...
into the future. It's a time for inspiration, reflection and
sharing......our first time in Torere....

We will be open from 10:00am  - late
We will provide a special dinner in celebration of the Solstice to come
Please bring something for a shared lunch that doesn't need heating.....we make a big effort to learn to cook and share nutrient dense food. and would appreciate food gifted using those same principles....check out the principles of traditional diets .. they are listed under our Cooking Nutrient Dense Food Workshop on this website
Bring your musical instruments, stories and family
Koha to the Koanga Institute

This is an opportunity to come along in a relaxed way check out the food and seed  gardens which will be looking great  at this time, and join in afternoon talks, discussions and practical demonstrations in the areas we are working in....essentially sustainable living or living simply..... there will be solar driers working,  fibre-earth building happening... Abbe Warre bee hives to check out...., and you'll be able to check out the Institute seeds and seed cleaning processes.
We will run short talks on the following, which can be followed by discussion time, in between there will be practical demonstrations   (details will be posted nearer to the time) 

  • 11:00am    The Koanga Institute Research program.. including Community Land Trusts, Fibre-earth Building, Rocket Stoves... Solar Food Driers... and others
  • 1:00pm     Where we believe we're at with saving our own food plant Biodiversity in NZ and ways our members and others can support the saving of our heritage food plants
  • 3:00pm    Why we should make Growing Nutrient Dense Food a top priority in our lives
  • 5:00pm    The reasons why we need new land tenure models and how Community land Trusts might be a a useful model to look at.. or create on this land
  • 6:00      Dinner
  • 7:00     Music and stories

You're welcome to stay the night if you bring your own tent or other sleeping arrangement and breakfast


Location / Venue: 
Koanga Institute, Hawkes Bay