Motion in the Ocean - creek cleanup !

Motion in the Ocean-creek cleanup <-- click here to see photos of the event. Sunday 14th March 10am-2pm. This event has been organised by students from Western Springs College who are deeply concerned about the state of our oceans and want to take action. It would be fantastic if we could support these local young activists by coming along to their event!
Join us on a full circuit creek clean up of Motions and Meola creek, with a free tram ride and talks from MOTAT, Waicare, a government official and others. Meet in the Western Springs College carpark at 10am with rubbish bags from home to conserve our local biodiversity, gloves provided. Come with covered shoes, snacks, food contributions to the shared lunch and wear BLUE. This is a free family event, and all are welcome. Hope to SEA you there! Please RSVP to give an idea of numbers-Contact: or 021 1528294.


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