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Notes from the ad hoc Steering Group Meeting - Wed 26th June
updated 17 Jul 2008
Notes from the ad hoc Steering Group Meeting - Wed 26th June
Present Barbara, Belinda and Edwina
1. Debrief from the public meeting of 18 June 2008
What went well?
- Numbers - yet again there was a great turn out (around 70+ people)
- The speaker was great and the continuity from the previous topic worked well
- The leaflet drop seemed to be attracting lots of people - although other channels of communication were mentioned including the posters and the school newsletters.
- The photographs on the 'ning' are a great record (thanks Daryl).
- The technology and the displays (thanks Juanita, Marc and Karori Garden Centre)
- Getting set up early - including the video (which worked well without being intrusive).
- Getting the teas and coffees ready to roll.
What was a bit tricky?
- Room is too small for that many people - difficult for many to see, and hard to move around during break
- Leafleting process, there were some overlaps in coverage (2000 seemed to be a good number though).
- Lead in time - we could do with a bit more.
- Clean up at end - need more hands on deck, also need a check list for room to make sure we have done everything we were supposed to.
- Clash with residents association AGM
What we will do differently next time.
- If we are asking volunteers to leaflet then we should bring a map and mark off the roads each volunteer intends to cover.
- Ask Sharon (Community Centre) for a checklist for closing up - or create one ourselves.
- Make sure that the info sheet gets circulated.
- Put information on the leaflets about the format of the evening - so people know what they are comming to. Also put registration is a MUST on leaflets to try and get a better sense of the numbers before the event.
- Create a leaflet about Transition Towns to give out at all meetings so that attendees know why we are raising awareness
- Check with residents association that we have picked different dates
- Decide in advance who will do what on the evening.
Publicity - Newspaper article
Edwina has contacted and got a positive response from a couple of journalists. Edwina to arrange meeting with Jounalists in net week or so. Agreed to coordinating a joint story with other local TT groups for any Wellington wide publicity, particularly Green Zone stuff. Barbara to gather some information on Contact details of other groups so that the journalist has the correct information and send it round the other local TT groups for input. Edwina contacting Juanita (Lower Hutt), Pat (Upper Hutt), Andrew (Aro Valley) to see if they want to be involved in the interview.
Next two meetings
Agreed to keep similar format for next couple of meetings for the following reasons: People are just getting used to us running events on a wednesday mid month. It will be relatively easy for us - steering group - and allow us to focus on other things at the steering group meeting. We need to continue to raise awareness and enable the sub groups to do other things.
- July Meeting will be on transport.
- August meeting will be on energy.
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