Pt Chevalier TT minutes 1 April 2010

Present: Geoff (Chair), Yolanda, Jenny, Joss, Elisha, Anthony,

Bruce (Minutes)

Apologies: Deryn. Crea, Viviana


Agenda items


1. Regional Environmental hui - Ecomatters Enviro Trust to consider

the new operating environment under the Supercity. Submission prepared

and submitted by Deryn and Geoff. They expect to be invited to make

presentation at the hui.


2. Purchasing Group. Next meeting of this group is scheduled for

April 13th. No substantial progress has been made since the last

meeting. There is a strong desire to progress through a semi

commercial (paid co-ordinator) system.


3. Gardening Group had a successful group meeting on 14 March. Next

meeting is Sunday 11 April at 3p.m. "Tanks a Lot" will donate a tank

for the community garden. $10 donations are being canvassed to pay

for the Community Garden water bill.


4. Joss said that as she had been selling seedlings from her home she

had been repeatedly asked for advice on making small garden plots.

Queried whether there was interest in arranging a workshop on home

gardening - particularly for older people. Garden group to be asked

to consider and bring back to the next meeting.


5. Communications Yolanda asked for assurance that the current volume

of e-mails she was forwarding was okay. We agreed that it was.

She has a number of Transition Town posters which she will put up at

the Library, The Homestead and some commercial points around Pt Chev

Bruce offered to be trained as understudy for Communications role.


6. Carbon Footprint. Geoff is using a web based "carbon footprint"

survey with his students. An opportunity for everyone to compete the

survey. He will forward address to Yolanda for circulation.

Meeting ended at 8:35p.m.

Next Meeting Thursday 6 May.

Bring ideas for projects through which we can focus our energy !


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