Steering Group Meeting Weds 14 April - Minutes and Action Points

STEERING Group Meeting
Date of meeting:  Weds 14 April 2010   Location: Penthouse  Time: 6pm
Individuals present: Hina Alvi, Mike Rosser, Ricky Coles, Belinda Sharp, Mel Beirne, Spencer Crocker , Anne Locke

Apologies from:  Louise Hoather, Claire Baker

Chair/Minute Taker: Belinda/Hina 

AGENDA (Refer to previous meeting’s minutes and/or fill in at beginning of meeting):

2. Brooklyn Currency (Belinda)
3. May Tattler
4. Long Term Volunteering opportunity (Ref: email from Marc)
5.  Next public meeting - Weds 28 April - Cleaning products workshop wit Amy Albiston (Hina)                                                  
6. Goals, directions and responsibilities
7. Farmers Market
8. Frock Swap (For those interested) - Hiring of Hall - How long? (Currently booked from 12-9pm) Cost? (12.50 per room per hour) Comms plan, timeline, assigning responsibilities, recruiting volunteers, etc      

ACTION POINTS (Note down action points as they occur during meeting)           
For each action point please note who is responsible for its completion, by when and what resources/support is needed to do so.

1. To send out pre-agenda to food group reps - Anne, Mel and Kelda
2. Hina to confirm with Amy, buy supplies, collate RSVPs, email advert out (all done by HA)
3. Food group to organise screening of Earth Whisperers - May public mtg
4. Belinda to collate food group meeting into leaftet and ask Donna (WCC) to take some to Bokashi event
5. Belinda to confirm cycling workshop
6. Belinda and Spencer to meet with Cornerstore re: Farmers Market
7. Belinda to get back to Marc and confirm US volunteer Tim
8. Everyone to email Tattler stuff directly to Karen before end of each month

9. Spencer ot investigate WITS and report back

10. Louise to send out dates for re-group mtg re: Agenda item #6

11. Hina to fix a date with Belinda and Louise to discuss Frock Swap (May 3rd after work)

Tentative agenda for next meeting: Fundraising, Farmers Market, Brooklyn currency,

Date, location and time of next meeting: Weds May 12, Penthouse, 6pm