Minutes of Transition Pt Chevalier meeting 3rd June 2010

Minutes of Transition Pt Chevalier meeting 3rd June 2010

Chair: Niki

Minutes: Viviana

Attending: Jenny, Matt, Emma, Niki, Judy, Francisco, Viviana, Allie, Deryn, Ellen, Keith

Apologies: Yolanda (late), Jo E., Shay, Geoff, Bruce

1.  Introductions. Welcome to Matt and Judy.

2.  Presentation: "What makes a good transition town group? By Niki and Emma. Great slideshow on the importance of different factors. After a discussion on why we are not retaining new members since we think we are warm and welcoming, Nikki offered to bring the TT 12 steps so we have a look at them. Why are we not referring to them? What to do with Niki and Emma's results? What now? Matt wondered about having an action plan, to him the most essential step to follow from the TT 12 step plan. Niki will e-mail the results to us.

3.  Garden group update: Ellen and Allie will go and check the tank that has been donated to get an idea of what to do next. Garlic has been planted; leeks will follow. There is the idea of organizing an 'edible garden tour' in Pt Chevalier. Possibly based around schools? To be planned in October.

4.  Community Garden Group: Every Saturday at 1 pm.

5.  Community markets: (Yolanda) We will revisit them again in Spring (October) as having surplus is quite hard at the moment.

6.  Communications: Bruce Parks has offered to second Yolanda. They will discuss this idea further.

7.  Yolanda has two interesting pieces of world-healing information. First a magazine she found at the Unitec library 'Resurgence' which also has a great website:- www.resurgence.org and, secondly the website www.career.unitec.ac.nz - Sustainability and Careers - which has a resource with many websites of organisations working towards environmental and social responsibility.
Next meeting is July 1st, Viviana is chair and X will take minutes.


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