Terrace Farm Flour and Grain

Terrace Farm Flour and Grain

(Updated June 2016)


Terrace Farm is a long established certified organic farm (1985) following a traditional mixed crop and livestock farming system. All products are grown and processed on Terrace Farm and they carry the “BIOGRO” trademark.
We have two Zentrofan mills and a traditional stone mill. Great care is taken to ensure the freshness and quality of our products by processing to order.
Terrace Farm is located on the high plains of Mid Canterbury southwest of Christchurch (Mt Hutt / Rakaia Gorge Area) near Methven.


Arawa wheat (lower gluten)
Otane wheat (higher gluten)
Buckwheat groats

Arawa wheat is a yellow, soft wheat and has a medium gluten level. It is ideal for making cakes, muffins, biscuits and also makes beautiful bread; it will not rise and hold its shape as much as bread wheat but still makes a good loaf. It has a unique flavour and a glorious golden colour.
Otane wheat is a red, hard wheat and has a high gluten level. This makes it ideal for bread making or general baking. It is easy to work with and has a rich colour.


Zentrofan Arawa wheat
Zentrofan Rye
Zentrofan Otane
Stoneground Arawa wheat
Stoneground rye
Stoneground Otane
White flour
Buckwheat Flour
Buckwheat semolina
Buckwheat bran
Wheat semolina
Wheat bran

Zentrofan flour is very fine wholemeal flour. As the milling process is very slow, we can only supply limited amounts.
Stoneground flour is a coarser wholegrain flour. The white flour is milled out of the arawa wheat using a traditional stone mill and sifting it.


Green manure crops



*Ask for our info and recipes on marrowfat peas and Buckwheat


Please pay on receipt of the invoice
Direct credit into our account: Heartland Ashburton, 03 1351 0520563 00

Inquiries welcome!


Ira & Geoff Wilson

Terrace Farm

R.D. 12 Rakaia 7782

Phone: (03) 3028663

Email: terracefarmorganic@gmail.com

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