Milmore Downs Flour & Grain

Milmore Downs can send us things at a much better freight price if we order 150 kg or more. I think this is something we could manage every three to four months. They grow the grains using biodynamic agriculture in Canterbury on a mixed farm. Here is their price list.

Bag sizes: 5 kg, 10 kg (9 kg for dinkel flour), 20 kg, 25 kg

Price Info. The first price is a per kg price for 10 kg or more, including gst.
The second price is a per kg price for 5 kg including gst.
The freight charge is 25 cents per kg (I've only had this verbally, it may change, and I'm not sure if it includes gst or not.)

3.00    3.30    wheat flour
2.80    3.10    wheat flakes
2.80    3.10    kibbled wheat
2.20    2.40    whole wheat
2.80    3.10    rye flour
2.80    3.10    rye flakes
2.80    3.10    kibbled rye
2.20    2.40    whole rye
3.40    3.60    barley flour
3.40    3.60    barley flakes
3.40    3.60    semolina
3.20    3.40    pearl barley
2.20    2.40    naked barley
1.80    2.00    whole barley
1.80    2.00    oats (black)
4.50    4.50    naked oats
6.00    6.00    rolled oats
5.80    6.20    dinkel flour
5.80    6.20    dinkel flakes
5.80    6.20    kibbled dinkel
5.60    5.80    hulled dinkel
1.40    ____    whole barley for chooks (unwashed) 25 kg sacks only
2.00    ____    barley mash for chooks 25 kg sacks only

Here are the rules:

Grains: If you order less than 5 kg of a product, you will need to come and measure it out, and I will only put your order in if someone else makes up the rest of the 5 kg with their order. If you want to be certain of a small order being placed, you need to say that you will take the whole 5 kg bag if no-one else does put in an order for that product.

Flours: Sorry, I don't want flours measured out in my house. It's just too time-consuming and messy. So, choose a bag size that suits you, and order it. We may have to pay the higher unit price this way, and I'm happy that that is worth it. If you want to split a bag with someone, you're welcome to do so (at your house). :)

Unwashed Barley for the chooks - don't order this unless you really want it and intend to sprout it, as it is a real treasure, and there isn't much. I like to soak it, which is much better for the chooks, but for this it needs to be not mixed with anything else. If you intend to just feed it out unsoaked, please look at one of the other sources of barley which are commonly available, where the barley is mixed with other things.


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