Minutes Monthly Meeting August 2010

Transition Town Pt Chevalier

Meeting minutes – August 5, 2010


Present – Jenny, Francisco, Yolanda, Bruce, Niki, Deryn

Apologies -  Guido, Jo, Keith, Ellen, Ally, Geoff

Tips for the month:  

Yolanda - No Impact Man – an autobiography about living with as little environmental impact as possible (Niki has a copy of this and is happy to lend it, you can also get it through the Auckland library system ). As a result Yolanda is taking bags to bulk bins and baking (some of) her own goods.

Deryn – Doing some viral campaigning. When she uses Trade Me she asks people not to send things in plastic but in paper with string, and she sends them two links to Youtube clips showing the plastic waste in the oceans. Deryn will send out the links and a template email. Deryn is looking for a way to deal with the plastic she ends up with – e.g. taking to Huckleberry Farm’s plastic ‘chewer’ that is apparently re-used for garments.

Niki – the advantages of a Tupperware lunchbox with multiple components, this leads to no paper wrap, but also means you tend to take snacks to work, rather than being tempted to buy packaged goods from the cafe.

Items discussed

Yolanda passed out information provided by Ally about solar panels from Whatpowercrisis.com, ph 0508942876, and various pamphlets about sustainability activities etc for people to take and pass on.

Chair to write group’s name in the Homestead book and the details of how many people attended at the end of the meeting.

Group reports

Garden group – Progressive potluck dinner was really good, they ate a lot and laughed a lot. The garden group had a visit from Te Radar, and are also liaising with Robert Tait from UNITEC about the possibility of students helping with some tasks needed for the community garden.

Treasure hunt – Had a meeting with Geoff who is going to write up the format/protocol for Waitakere Community Groups.

Purchasing -  Guido has set up a purchasing calendar and Heidi has put out a flour order. Niki told the meeting about the baked goods at the Serbian church on the first Saturday of every month. Vivianna and Francisco are exploring honey from Great Barrier that is $10 a kilo.


General business

1.            Niki gave a report on the progress of the Transition Town research project; and urged everyone to consider the climate change talk on the scientific debate on August 19, 6pm at the University of Auckland (contact Niki if interested in further information).

2.            The 350 global working bee is on Sunday October 10 and groups are urged to contribute their own event. Bruce and Deryn to set up a sub-group, Deryn to email Keren (Pt Chev primary) and Sarah (Pasadena) to investigate the possibility of them being involved. Bruce to send out an email to the Pt Chev group asking for ideas. Our current idea is an event focused on walking and cycling – e.g. people walk around Pt Chevalier with clothing, bibs, teeshirts, banners etc  that advertise Transition Pt Chevalier – our working bee is cleaning the air – and we end up somewhere  - possible locations Pt Chev beach, the library square. 


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