Get active and be part of something big

350 Aotearoa; 10/10/10 Global Climate Working Bee


We’re taking one day and showing the world that we’re ready for climate solutions.

On the 10th of October 2010, thousands of groups across New Zealand, and in over 180 countries, will join together and get to work on climate change. From holding a tree planting day to hosting a bike repair workshop, we’ll be sending a strong call to our leaders that they have our support in getting us back to a 350ppm world.

We’re calling it the 10/10/10 Global Climate Working Bee…and we need you to get it started in your community.

What’s a working bee?

The idea for our working bee comes from traditions of the barn-raisings of Amish people, the minga in the Andes, the Sarvodaya movement of Sri Lanka. They all have in common the idea of bringing their whole community together for a day of collective work, usually to take on a project that will benefit the whole community. The project is often followed by an event with food and music to celebrate the accomplishment.

For 10/10/10, we’re asking groups (e.g. friends, workmates, businesses or existing community groups)  to put on their own working bee and initiate an action that will benefit your community, help reduce carbon dioxide emissions (or the other major greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide) - and be a good time!

Some projects may take more than a day, but you can use 10/10/10 as a headline event to launch or celebrate a project.

>Register a 350 working bee action

>Action ideas

>Action resources

>Find and volunteer at a 350 action


See for more details.

Call to Action 101010.pdf356.08 KB