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Minutes Monthly Meeting September 2010
Pt Chevalier Transition Meeting
2nd September, 2010
Present: Deryn, Heidi, Keith, Geoff, Francisco, Ruth
Apologies: Yolanda, Jenny
Chair and minutes: Niki
1. 10/10/10 subgroup, Deryn and Bruce have come up lots of ideas including a bike ride and a library display that will count down to the clean-up. They agree that our purpose is to publicise what the day is about and everyone can do their own thing. One possibility is a simple carbon footprint test. Another idea is biodegradable banners that are given out to people and that advertise the day. Deryn has got Rode interested, they would be willing to come into library square and do bike checks. Adventure Cycles will also be invited if this idea goes ahead. The library group will help set up something with Kamu.
2. Names for garden beds. Heidi has come up with Maori names for the beds, but they are considering approaching the marae for help with naming and having a ceremony. Heidi is aware of the number of Maori gardens there have been around this area and was inspired by this, it would be great to share this knowledge.
3. Heidi is asking for someone to talk to Girls’ Brigade about gardening next Wednesday for half an hour.
4. Organic World may be keen for us to meet there. Keith is to clarify what would be involved.
5. Geoff talked about his carbon footprint project and the possibility of distributing these throughout the suburb. We also talked about the possibility of pledges and a barometer to measure some indicator of carbon use e.g. electricity use. This would be accompanied by a website. There is also some potential for funding.
6. Stern lectures are on next week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – 7.30 at the University of Auckland. You must register for this event, see Niki if interested.
7. The transition town research project has now been conducted with three groups and Niki will let you know the results soon.
8. Purchasing group. Heidi has done a successful grain order. Francisco talked about a honey producer downtown that would give us 30 kilos of honey. Francisco will send out an invitation to the purchasing group to share in the purchase. If this works well it will go on the purchasing calendar. Keith will order avocados. Ruth is planning to do an Ecostore order. Keith offering to source blueberries.
Meeting closed at 8.40pm
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