Art of Scything Introduction workshop

The Art of Scything is worth learning, so you can replace your noisy smelly and oil guzzling lawn mower or weed eater and instead enjoy the birds singing while you work.

T'ai Chi style helps you ork with your legs, not your back.

All you need to enjoy the workshop is supplied.

Usually a 3-hour workshops beginning at 9 am. $60 per head.

You learn how to set up the parts of the scythe to fit you, how to mow t'ai chi style, how to mow around a tree and how to maintain your blade and other equipment. We also advise whch blades will suit you and your purpose.

All you might want to purchase afterwards is also available.

Jo Pearsall and Bryan Innes have been scything for a bout a year, and spent 7 weeks in 2009, travelling and teaching around new Zealand with Christoff Schneider of the Austrian Scythe Association.

For more information contact Jo: phone 021739398


Location / Venue: 
5 Dorset Road, Carterton.