
Date Item Responsible Income Expenses Balance
2008-05-21 Opening balance 0.00
Koha SG 91.70 91.70
Room hire Dawn 25.00 66.70
Biscuits Marc 4.00 62.70
Biscuits Tom 10.50 52.20
Flyers Barb 45.00 7.20
2008-06-18 Koha SG 104.70 111.90
Room Hire Dawn 25.00 86.90
2008-07-16 Flyers Belinda 55.00 31.90
Room Hire Belinda 25.00 6.90
Biscuits Marc 4.00 2.90
Koha SG 28.70 31.60

Belinda is currently minding the balance.

Still to pay for Community Centre - 17.07.08