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Transition United States
In this Issue:
Transition in the Huffington Post
Transition Initiative Projects
Trainings & Webinars
Books & Films
Ingredients of Transition
300 Years of Fossil Fuels

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Training for Transition (T4T)
(click to host a Training course):
Dec 3-5 Lake County, CA
Jan 22-23 Albuquerque, NM

Monthly Transition Salon
Thurs. Dec 16
(11:00am-12:15pm PT)

An open dialogue space where folks involved in Transition meet voice-to-voice, celebrate, network, swap ideas, get help, give help, and learn together - details + rsvp here

Stay tuned for a Heart and Soul seriesbeginning in January!

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Transition US :: November 2010 e-newsletter

In the News

Huffington Post

The "Transition Town"
Movement's Initial Genius

"In the face of the challenges it has taken aboard, the transition movement will succeed at the very least in raising consciousness, in part because it suggests tangible constructive action. With each row of vegetables planted and each solar panel installed, it wins the right to say, "oh, this is necessary, but it's also enlivening to do, isn't it?"
Read more of the Huffington Post article

Also, listen to Transition US founder Raven Gray interviewed on West Marin Community Radio.

Transition Initiatives are continuing to emerge in communities around the world. This month, we welcome Transition Palo Altoin California and Transition Newton in New Jersey. Browse the initiatives map and learn more about becoming an Official Transition Initiative.

Transition Initiative Projects

Work PartyWork parties - Transition Initiatives are living out the saying "Many hands make light work" in so many ways! From gathering in-kind donations to tearing out sod and turning lawns into bio-diverse gardens. Gardening to live music? With friends? Sounds lovely. Thanks to Laura Sellens of Transition Whatcom, WA, for sharing this report with us! (full story)

PlasticsWhere does our trash go?- With centralized garbage collection in most urban centres, most of our trash stays 'out of sight, out of mind' and it's easy to forget how much we accumulate. There are many programs, like curb-side recycling, composting to home greywater treatment that go part of the way to slowing down the heaps of trash on landfill sites, but not all communities have these programs in place. Have you ever visited your local landfill or regional recycling depot? (full story)

Vermont EDAPRegional Transition EDAP- Transition Initiatives are starting to look more closely at developing comprehensive EDAPs (Energy Descent Action Plans) that integrate their vision for the future and the practical steps needed to get there. Thanks to Jim Buckley of Transition Town Montpelier in Vermont for posting this recap of the first regional Vermont Transition EDAP meeting. (full story)

Breakfast SocialBreakfast Social
- Food is always a central part of Transition discussions and so it seems fitting that meetings often happen in cafes and amidst bountiful potlucks. We thought we'd share this simple but fun idea of the Breakfast Social, courtesy of Transition Van Buren Allegan in Michigan. (full story)

Read more stories online

Books & Films
(that Transition folk are reading and screening)

HarmonyThe Harmony Movie
From organic farms, to the rainforests of British Columbia, to rare footage of HRH The Prince of Wales interviewing Al Gore about climate change in 1988 - Harmony introduces viewers to a new and inspiring perspective on how the world can meet the challenges of climate change globally, locally and personally. Watch the trailer here. For Broadcast in NBC's Annual "Green is Universal" Week Special in November to feature the Prince of Wales offering his views on the climate crisis for the first time on American Television on Nov 19. NBC News Special (US viewers only). (Thanks to Tony of Transition Town Media, PA for the recommendation)

Mycelium Running:
How Mushrooms Can Help Save The World

by Paul Stamets
"This book is a manual for the mycological rescue of the planet"
Based upon the premise that habitats and humans (animals) have immune systems, and that mushrooms are the beneficial bridges for both, Mycelium Running integrates mushroom cultivation, permaculture, ecoforestry, bioremediation and soil enhancement with the overall goal of making us all healthier. Watch this youtube clip about it + Paul Stamet's TED Talk. (Thanks goes to Transition PDX's reading circle for sharing this one)

Global Village Construction Set
VideoWe're pretty impressed with the folks of Open Source Ecology. Here's a note from Adam Mitchell, one of the builders: "We are building, what we call, the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) – a set of 40 open source tools meant to jump-start community resilience and lower the barriers-to-entry. The machines are being built and shared via open source methods, so we can freely provide the information necessary to build resilient communities from the ground up." Watch this 2-minute intro video.

This November, they went on a tour in California to present their vision and progress to several Transition Town initiatives. They are 100% crowd-funded by supporters and are looking for your support to continue their work. For more information, visit their blog:

Ingredients of Transition

As included in the Transition Network Newsletter:

The ideas around Transition are constantly being updated and refined as we go along. (Read more about the ideas behind the 'pattern' approach here

These are some of the topics below that have recently been updated by Rob Hopkins and that are looking for your input:

RobAlso huge congrats to Rob Hopkins for completing his PhD thesis "Localisation and Resilience at the Local Level: The Case of Transition Town Totnes,"which you can get your hands on here!

Read the full round-up of what's happening
in the world of Transition

300 Years of Fossil Fuels

Transition US Partner | visit for more articles, reports and news

VideoIt's been a busy month. We released our new animated video 300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds which has already been viewed more than 80,000 times. If you missed it catch it here.

Post Carbon Institute has been making the news this month following PCI Fellows Richard Heinberg and David Fridley's highly acclaimed article on peak coal in journal Nature. The article is behind a paywall, but you can listen to interviews with Richard about it here.

...and don't forget to check or the latest downloads from the Post Carbon Reader.

Get involved

Learn more: Transition US | Transition Network | Transition Culture Blog

Transition US is a nonprofit organization that provides inspiration, encouragement, support, networking, and training for Transition Initiatives across the United States. We are working in close partnership with the Transition Network, a UK based organization that supports the international Transition Movement as a whole.

There's always a wealth of news and information on the Transition US newsletter. If you havent yet subscribed go to the website (link at the top of the page) and sign up.

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