TT Pt Chev meeting March 8th 2011 MINUTES

Present: Geoff, Deryn, Yolanda, Jenny, Keith, Ally, Francisco, Liardan, Theresa

Apologies: Vivianna, Ruth, Niki, Bruce, Kirsty, Ellen


Project(Geoff) – discussion about projects we can get our teeth into going into this year. Ideas suggested by the group are:

·         Zero waste project, something like Grey Lynn 2030’s Waste Away group or Mt Eden TT’s discussions with local retailers on how to decrease plastic waste. Link in with Countdown & local shops & cafes. Also Keep Cups for all Pt Chev people, in all Pt Chev cafes. – Ally initial contact person

·         Questionnaire/survey about carbon footprint in Pt Chev homes, possibly available in public places for people to take home – Geoff initial contact person

·         Creating a card of Pt Chev emergency contact phone numbers. A civil emergency list people can use if there is an emergency such as the Chch earthquake with handy contact people. – Keith initial contact person

·         Community building through music? How to bring music to Pt Chev & to Pt Chev Transition Towns to help build community? – Francisco initial contact person

·         Bio-toileting. Composting human waste. Deryn’s investigating about ‘EM’ that can be added to human waste & breaks it down. – Deryn initial contact person

Secondary ideas:

·         Planting edibles in the street – fruit trees in grass verges.

·         Garden group do a Pt Chev audit of what edibles are available where

·         Increasing eco products in Pt Chev shops, eg eco pencils, wooden toothbrushes.

Expressions of interest for any of these ideas should be communicated to the Pt Chev group – & you will be put in touch with the contact person for that initiative.


Garden group meetings(Jenny) – next meeting at Jenny’s at 3pm on Sunday 27th March at Jenny’s – 6a Matipo Rd, Te Atatu Peninsula.

Comm garden report(Deryn) – garden is transitioning between summer & winter garden. Water tank is working fabulously. Main group working bees continuing from 5.30-6pm Wednesday evenings.

Purchasing network(Niki) - handout drop done, 5 respondents from that. E-mail Niki to go on the mailing list to received info about when orders are happening.


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