Carterton District Council draft Walking and Cycling Strategy

Carterton District Council is asking for comments on its draft Walking and Cycling Strategy. 

A public meeting will be held in the Council exhibition centre opposite the Council Administration Building, Holloway Street, Carterton (next to the information centre) Thursday 14th April at 10am. Roger Boulter, Boulter Consulting will make a brief presentation of the Consultation Draft Strategy. Following the presentation time has been allocated for public questions and comments.

The Consultation Draft Strategy can be viewed at the Holloway Street Council Offices, or on Council’s website, and final comments are due by the end of April.  Proposals include those relating to a cycle route network, footpath improvements, new footpath links, cyclists training and on-road coaching, state highway 2 cycling provision, town centre space sharing, help for people crossing High Street South, gathering of data on walking and cycle usage and safety ‘incidents’, implementation monitoring and ongoing consultation, travel planning, promotion and role modelling, rural cycling and walking routes, and secure cycle parking.  Some proposals would not require extra Council funding, and some proposals may attract government or other funding support.  Any proposals requiring Council spending would be considered in conjunction with the Annual Plan 2011/ 12.