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Minutes of Transition Point Chevalier - 12 April 2011
updated 13 Apr 2011
Present: Robyn Bigelow, Niki Harre, Francisco Barros, Geoff Bridgman, Jenny Bramley, Crea Land, Deryn Cooper, Ally Burt, Yolanda van den Bemd, Liadan Cotter
Apologies: Viviana Becker, Keith Thomas, Ellen Schindler, Ruth MacLure, Bruce Parkes
1.Eva Zombori’s has done an analysis of Pt Chev from a planning perspective. (Crea).
Action: Crea to contact Eva and organise for her to come to next mtg to do a 20 minute presentation.
2.Community garden (Ally): Having a dinner mtg with whomever wants to be involved...At Ally’s place, on Friday evening, shared food. Plan for winter and spring. Suggestion that men create a massive compost pile for community garden. Garden people will organise this.
3.Plastic recycling (Yolanda and Deryn): EnviroReel is group in Mt. Wellington that will receive all soft plastic e.g. bread bags, glad wrap—they make big reels. They will send collection bag to a place, we fill it up, and they pick it up. Deryn has spoken with them.
Action: Yolanda and Deryn will follow up and let us all know—The Plastics Sub-group---they welcome anyone else to join and assist. Thinking to start with one Collection point, and then go on from there...Thinking later to get Council to support this
Discussion re recycling bins ensued...is everything being recycled from those bins? In particular is paper being contaminated by being mixed with glass? Is there an alternative method of ensuring paper is collected and recycled.
4. Music Project (Francisco). He is willing to be facilitator of this project---Do you think you are a musical person?...idea is to have a gathering, to slowly invite people who come, to express oneself through music, and with rhythm, in community. Imagines first gathering to be an invitation to bring sth to shake, or to hit. Reading about rhythms From Scratch. Idea about ‘Nga Iwi e’ as ‘our song’.
5. Local board community consultation (Geoff and Deryn). Attended by Geoff, Deryn and Bruce. A very interactive process. Deryn passed out Feedback forms for Albert-Eden Draft Local board plan, encouraged us to fill out to support. Many good points of the local plan were noted, and it was stressed how useful it would be to point these out. Cycling seemed to not be a priority however, with the council saying that only 2% of population is ever going to use the cycleway...lots of work to be done there.
6. Purchasing network (Niki) On email...collective thing where people can offer or purchase items that are sustainable, organic, fair trade. Niki offered toothbrushes, from the people who were Rubbish free for a year. Made of bamboo. Keith offering organic blueberries—once a year offer. Keith offered avocadoes which worked well. The group is not just about supplying things, but also about letting people know what things are available. Niki ordered box of beautiful organic fruit from Little Hero to a family with a sick child – it had at least 10 kilos of fruit and cost $8.90 to courier within Auckland – recommended as an alternative to flowers.
7. Niki’s talk at the University of Auckland on ‘Social Science and Climate Change’—She talked about the way people filter information through their identities. She is also finishing a book called, maybe, ‘psychology for a better world’—will be free on the internet---will also produce copies at cost, probably $10 each. Thinking to organise Niki speaking at library and advertise widely.
8. White roofs (Liadan). These are being promoted through 350, as ways of reflecting light/heat and reducing global warming. Liadan will follow up re ‘white roofs’ and let everyone know.
Minutes by Crea .. goodnight!
Next meeting May 10, 7.30pm, Little Hero, Pt Chev Rd
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