Biological farming workshops/Katikati

nicole masters's picture

Integrity Soils is running 2 biological farming workshops in Katikati in May.


Do you want to?


¶        Learn more about healthy soils and the principles behind.biological agriculture?¶        Reduce costs?¶        Increase fertiliser efficiencies?¶        Reduce chemical reliance?¶        Grow more nutritious crops?

These hands-on workshops combine fun science with practical examples

DAY ONE: Foundations of Biological Farming

¶     Biological Farming Principles¶     Transition steps to optimise inputs¶     Repairing soil disturbance events DAY TWO: On-farm Observations¶        The relationship between soil & pests, weeds and disease¶        Visual Soil Assessments¶        Tools to benchmark and monitor your success

$95 per workshop, contact Nicole for more details.
Workshops on the 6th and 9th of May.