WORKSHOP: Building Sustainable Relationships -Working with Difference and Diversity

In Permaculture we aim to design and create systems that are holistic: ecologically, socially and spiritually complete.

This one day workshop comcentrates on how people can generate a future of cooperation and resilience. It draws on the lifeskills needed to work in partnership with others. It is the goal of this workshop to acknowledge difference and diversity and to work with these tensiions as a way to transform relationships.

Sabine Drückler and Chris Harkess, both experienced group workers and facilitators, will guide you through this day.

To enrol or find out more please email to

Read on to find out more about us.

Sabine Drückler - I have a lifetime passion and experience for working with and living in cooperative groups of people. It is my goal to build and maintain sustainable relationships and to foster open and honest communication. I love to contribute towards an ecologocally sustainabel, socially just and spiritually fullfilling future. Living in an intentional community provides daily practice to work with diversity and difference. The challenge is to improve communication and to seek understanding. I have a background in teaching in Secondary Schools and in Adult Education.  I have a Diploma in Permaculture and a Diploma in Facilitation.

Chris Harkess - Generating partnership is a theme in my work with organisations. I believe experiencing difference is inescapable in our highly complex society. Learning how to deal with diverse ideas, opinions, needs and goals is an essential life skill. It encourages a partnership approach to solving problems and improves relationships. I am a teacher educator, facilitator and trainer. I have specialised in training professionals in educational institutions and community organisations. I have a M.Ed.(Hons.) in Adult Learning and Diploma in Facilitation.

Location / Venue: 