Gardening Discussion Evening

This month we are planning a discussion on gardening, we'd love you to
bring along your ideas and handy tips on what to grow, organic weed
and pest control, etc etc

Winters a good time to plan next year's garden, so come along and join us.

To start the discusion off Lisa Talbot will show pictures and talk
about her garden and how it has developed.  Graham and Lyn Pearson
will show some slides and discuss organic methods that local bee
keepers are using to reduce their dependance on chemicals to control
verroa mite.

In addition, we want to collect up seeds for Sustainable Rangatiki to
send to Christchurch, for their "Seeds of Hope" Community gardens
project.  So bring along a few seeds of yours, your family or
neighbours favorite plants.  If possible jot down a few notes or a
story about the seeds to share with the CHCH folks.

WHEN: Thursday 14 July, 7.30 pm
WHERE: Main room, Quaker Meeting House, 256 Wicksteed Street

No charge, but supper to follow, so bring a plate

Location / Venue: 
Main room, Quaker Meeting House, 256 Wicksteed Street