Minutes for Transition Town Point Chevalier Meeting - 13 September 2011

Present: Guido, Niki, Francisco, Geoff, Jenny, Crea, Deryn, Ally, Yolanda, Keith, Adrian, Katherine

Apologies: Viviana

Chair: Geoff

Minutes: Niki

1. Labour party policy on women – launched on 19 September, free lunch – Labour party rooms, George St, Kingsland

2. Garden group – spring celebration on Saturday Oct 1, 2.30, email invitation has been sent out, major attraction – bike water pump! Come and see it in action! Yolanda’s blurb and Jenny’s photos soon to be on the website.

3. New venue – Niki to send out email to whole group for venue suggestions. As an interim measure the next meeting will be at 69 Dignan St, Niki and Keith’s house. To be discussed further at the October meeting.

4. Local board – Adrian talked about the sustainability advisory board, it is looking for local projects to support, and is hoping that Transition Towns can come up with ideas. One idea that has received widespread support is fruit trees in parks, so this will probably go forward; water fountains in parks; recycle bins in public places; facilities for electronic waste; and a comprehensive waste system throughout Pt Chev were possibilities we discussed. This is an on going issue, so if anyone comes up with something, let us all know.

5. Link bus – The new Outer Link is an excellent service, everyone is encouraged to try it. It goes to town via Westmere and Herne Bay, passes Auckland University, and, in the other direction, to St Lukes. Buses run every 15 minutes. Niki to send an enthusiastic endorsement of this to ptchev.com (DONE).

6. Social media workshop by Les Squires – Niki provided information about Les Squires visit. If anyone is interested in following up on this, please get in touch with Niki.

7. Draft council plan – submissions on this were heavily toward public transport, parks, cycling etc. It is absolutely worth making submissions as our collective voice seems to be the loudest, and this is the endorsement the council needs to go in this direction.

8. Name of group – Crea raised the issue of re-naming ourselves. Item for the next meeting.

9. Polly Higgins – Crea and Deryn attended a session by her at Earthsong two weeks ago. She wants to see Ecocide as the fifth crime against peace, working at the level of international law. “Eradicating Ecoside” is her book. Proposed to the UN in 2008. Her concept is that it would become a moral imperative not to commit this crime. Attempts to connect people, Earth and government. Morality based on the sacredness of life. Polly talked about the abolition of slavery and how industry defended slavery in just the same way people are defending current systems and the use of resources. Deryn is happy to send anyone a copy of the slides who would like them. Strong on the idea of commitment to morality rather than “forcing” people to change (see The Chocolate Wars), Mock trial on September 30, search “ecoside” to participate. Is there a way we could bring this to life? We’d like to have a sub-group to explore this further – Niki to arrange.

10. Music afternoon – This is to take place on Sunday 25 September, at Niki and Keith’s house, 69 Dignan St, 2-4pm, bring finger food.

11. Food bill – The latest Organic Magazine has information on the food bill – you can get this from Keith

12. Yolanda offered some transition and other materials for people to take.

Francisco and Viviana to play at Little Hero on Saturday October 22, 1-3pm

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