The garlic trial and harvest 6.2011-1.2012

We trialled three x two rows of approximately 36 garlics in each trial. The organic fertilizers we used were: pony poo, worm wee and sheep pellets.

The pony poo came from known sources in Te Atatu and Drury, the worm wee from Ally's garden and the sheep pellets were bought and donated by Ally.
The results are:
hmm, garlic ....
Overall winner was sheep pellets but not necessarily with a clearly recognizable win.
The superclose runner up was the pony poo and when considering this is a freely available resource, this ahs clearly won. Also, the biggest and smallest garlic was found in this category, so make of that whatever you want!
The third place goes to the worm wee fertilizing.
Unfortunately we didn't think of a control patch, probably that would've given us more info about the value of the worm wee - for more pictures please see below.
Next time ...


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