Tauranga Monthly Film Nights

Tauranga Monthly Film Nights are run by four volunteers (Ron Lopert and Gillian Oakbrook; Maureen and Ron Major)

About once a month we present a film, usually a documentary, covering an issue that is either ignored or poorly covered in the mainstream media, regarding important issues of which the general public may not be well informed. These film nighs have been operating since 2007 and cover a wide variety of issues: e.g. environment, peak oil, climate change, health/nutrition/eating, politics, human rights, animal welfare, sustainable living. We often have guest panelists after the films (for those who want to stay on) to discuss issues arising from the film, provide a local context and to answer questions.

Operating on a not-for-profit basis, we strive to keep ticket prices as low as possible, covering costs only. We sometimes hold these Film Nights at the Rialto Cinema but often elsewhere in Tauranga. Only those people on our Film Nights email list are sent invitations i.e. it is not usually advertised publicly. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Your details are kept confidential and are not given to any third parties.

At the bottom are examples of some of the films we've screened over the years

If there are any films you would like to suggest for us to screen or have any questions or comments please email us.


Contacts (and to sign up to the mailing list):

Ron Lopert - rlopert@xtra.co.nz

Phone:   Ron Lopert & Gillian Oakbrook on 5445360

Maureen & Ron Major on 5481996

Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Tauranga-Monthly-Film-Nights/181660328513592


Some of the films screened:

The World According to Monsanto

The Power of Community - How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

Future of Food (about increasing corporate control of our food)

Food Matters

The Age of the Stupid (about Climate Change)

Food Inc (about the industrialisation of our food)

Choropampa - The Price of Gold + Newmont Mining (about the effects of mining operations on local communities)

The End of the Line (about overfishing and collapse of ocean ecosystem)

Earthlings (animal rights/welfare)

Mystery Flights (a BBC doco about CIA policy o rendition/torture)

A Crude Awakening (film about Peak Oil)

Garbage Warrior (the battle by an eccentric architect to develop sustainable housing)

In Transition 1.0 (part of Transition Tauranga presentation)

The End of Suburbia - Oil Depletion and the End of the Suburban Dream

Simply Raw: curing diabetes in 30 days (on a vegan, organic, raw food diet)

Dirt! The Movie

Water Whisperers Tangaroa


Taking Root - the Vision of Wangari Maathai

Carbon Nation

The War You Don't See (John Pilger doco)

Black Wave: Addicted to Growt

Curitiba: A conventient Truth

Blue Gold (World Water Wars)