
wild & grace - inviting the good life.

Emily Mowbray-Marks seeded wild & grace in Spring of 2011 to draw people together, to connect and feel supported, to celebrate, to encourage learning and movement, to inspire, and to nourish.

How does this happen?

wild and grace produce workshops, initiate hui/forums, and create and deliver events - micro and macro. There are 5 focus points that umbrella the nature of these events:

Creativity - participating in and celebrating the arts
Community - bringing people together
Nature - getting people outside and in nature - yours and everyone's
Wellbeing - promoting happiness and health
Sustainability - sharing knowledge and inciting action relating to the environment

The wordpress site and facebook are two access points for people curious about wild & grace. They are a platform to promote wild & grace and other events of a like-minded nature occurring pre-dominantly in the Bay of Plenty, whilst also highlighting global brilliance - people, art, events - which echo wild & grace's sentiment.


Contact: Emily

Email: wildandgrace@gmail.com

Website: wildandgrace.wordpress.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/wildandgrace


Read what wildandgrace wrote about IdeaShare2012