Tauranga Time Bank

Timebanking is a way of trading skills in a community that uses time, rather than money, as a measurement  tool. Perform an hour's work and you earn 1 time dollar. A bank account keeps track of how many Time Dollars you have earned, which you can spend on services that other Time Bank members in the community have to offer.

There is no hierarchy of work - everyone's time is considered equal, no matter what type of work is done. This means that skills that often don't receive the value they deserve in our society start to be recognised as valuable - skills such as caring for others; working to make communities stronger; contributing to the cultural development of communities.

By connecting with timebanking, people become more aware of the value of the skills that they have to offer; and people who often wouldn't otherwise meet get to know each other. This breaks down the barriers that can form through false assumptions - especially regarding cultural differences and disabilities.

The Tauranga Time Bank is one of the network of 21 Timebanks in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Visit tauranga.timebanks.org and get started.


Local Coordinators: Kathy Chadwick & Brian MacKenzie

Email: taurangatimebank@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/TaurangaTimeBank

Join the Time Bank at tauranga.timebanks.org