ECO Conference: Environmental Responsibility - Leadership, Inclusion and Good Governance

ECO will hold it's annual conference this July on the topic of Environmental Responsibility. Please see the full programme below.

Registration is available online at and you can also check out accommodation options, past conferences and much more. The Early Bird date for reduced rates is 15 June.


Day 1     Friday 6 July - Salvation Army Citadel, 8 Jessie Street, Wellington
8.30am      Registration
9.00am      Mihi Whakatau - Morrie Love, Te Atiawa
10.00am     Welcome and Introduction       
10.15am     Session 1:  International Developments in Environmental Responsibility
Environmental Responsibility and Law - Cathy Iorns, Law School, Victoria University
The Aarhus Convention - Duncan Currie, Globelaw
Charter of Universal Responsibility - Betsan Martin, RESPONSE, ECO
Rio+20, IUCN, Planetary Boundaries - Diana Shand, IUCN NZ, ECO
12.30pm     Lunch
1.30pm      Session 2: Due Process in Policy and Law
Democratic Process and Constitutional Law - Prof. Margaret Wilson, University of Waikato   
Local and Regional Governance, Maintaining Community Voice - Jenny Rowan, Mayor of Kapiti
Constitutional Review - Speaker TBC
Use by Governments of Urgency in Parliament - Claudia Geiringer, Victoria University
4.00pm     Session 3:  Antarctica - Protection of the Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea
Antarctic Ocean Alliance - Geoff Keey, Antarctic Ocean Alliance
Southern Ocean and Ross Sea - Barry Weeber, ECO
5.00pm     Groups Expo and Presentations
6.30pm     Dinner for registered conference attendees
7.15pm     Antarctic Ocean Alliance - the world’s largest network of marine reserves, protecting the Southern Ocean and Ross Sea - public presentation and clip of the Last Ocean film by Fisheye Films, with dessert, drinks and supper
With thanks to our sponsors Antarctic Ocean Alliance for this evening session and to Peter Young, Last Ocean, Fisheye Films for providing the film
9:00pm    Close

Day 2     Saturday 7 July - Salvation Army Citadel, 8 Jessie Street, Wellington
8.30am     Registrations
9.00am    Session 4: Responsibility, Democracy and the Treaty
Environmental Responsibility and WAI 262 - Morrie Love, Te Atiawa
Bridges between Environmental Responsibility, Democracy and the Treaty - Hon. Sandra Lee-Vercoe
Environmental Responsibility and Governance - Te Kawehau Hoskins, Auckland University, RESPONSE
11.00am     Session 5: Responsible and Inclusive Resource Management
RMA Reforms: Will they Improve Environmental Outcomes? - John Hassan, Chapman Tripp
Responsible and Inclusive Environmental Management and Due Process - Maree Baker, Galloway, Anderson Lloyd
Minerals, Mining and the Crown Minerals Act Review - Cath Wallace, ECO
12.30pm  Lunch     
1.20pm    ECO Member Groups Presentations
2.10pm    ECO AGM
Choice of Te Papa visit or film for those not attending AGM
4.40pm    Session 6: Responsibility at Sea: EEZ and the Continental Shelf Act
Taking Forward Responsibility - Cath Wallace and Barry Weeber, ECO
6.30pm    Dinner
7.30pm    ECO 40th Anniversary celebration
9.00pm    Close

Day 3     Sunday 8 July - Turnbull House, 11 Bowen Street, Wellington and Railway West Wing, Room 102
8.00am     Tree Planting ceremony at Bolton Street cemetery
10.30am    Workshops: choice of 2 workshops, repeated in the afternoon
GIS: community driven mapping and data use (Railway West Wing, Room 102) Elise Smith, ECO
Joining the Antarctic Legacy: practical steps towards the world’s largest network of marine reserves
(Small Gallery, Turnbull House, 11 Bowen Street) Geoff Keey, Antarctic Ocean Alliance
12.30pm  Lunch
1.30pm    Workshops repeated
3.30pm    Close

For more information contact ECO:
PO Box 11-057, Wellington | 04 385 7545 |

Location / Venue: 
Wellington, Salvation Army Citadel (Friday-Saturday) and Turnbull House/Railway West Wing (Sunday)