TT Pt Chev Meeting 12 June 2012

Present: Students from University of Auckland Planning Project: Hamish, Dane, Anna, Sandrine. Niki, Jenny, Deryn, Adrian, Adrienne, Walter, Keith, Ellen, Michael, Matt, Anna, Kathryn, Lisa

Apologies: Crea, Bruce, Geoff, Kathryn

Report on fruit tree, community orchard project

The University of Auckland students have put together a report including information on council regulations, funding opportunities and a possible site. Managed to do quite a bit in the 3 week window they had to complete the project. Includes site maps, ideas for doing the project. Process includes the council doing tests on the soil regarding contamination. Local boards have a parks officer who would have information to help. There seems to be quite a bit of council assistance with maintenance in the first year.

Adrian Roche has offered to lead a Pt Chev TT group regarding the community orchard project. Contact Adrian if you would like to be involved.


Psychotherapy, eco-psychology

Michael talked about Circle of Change. It is his attempt to work positively on environmental issues within the world of psychotherapy. It is involving therapists to work in an at cost basis on environmental change. Eg. Psychological, political, spiritual areas. Michael is passionate about environmental issues and wants to incorporate this into his work. A group of psychotherapists have started a group around this.

Ecopsychology is:  working with the relationship between humans and nature and working psychologically with this. It can encompass a huge range of different things.

Contact Michael Apathy, registered psychotherapist on for further info.


Sandringham TT group farmers market idea

Lisa talked about food and local farmers markets. There is not a lot of organic or traceable food for sale in the area. Thinking of a farmers market in Sandringham once a month. In Melbourne they have a process where they have a market held in a different suburb each week. Would like the support of the transition town groups in the Albert-Eden local board area e.g. Sandringham, Mt Eden, Mt Albert, maybe Pt Chevalier.

Could be an opportunity for people to consider starting a small business. The idea could be to have local people having their stall once a month in their own suburb, so local people would buy very local produce.

Contact Lisa on if you would like Pt Chev to be a part of this and can help make it happen.


Zero Energy House on Tui St

Matt is a friend of Shay & Jo, who are building a zero energy house. It will create more energy than it uses, so will put energy back into the grid. They want to raise awareness about zero energy. They will be putting together 9 short videos about the construction process and the energy use. This will be a real world example which hopefully will convince council to put new measures into place for the future. 1st video came out a few weeks ago – about zero energy, insulation, framing etc. Will be releasing videos in the next few weeks and months.  Matt will organise a time for TPC people to come on a site tour, this may be a while off when the house is in a more interesting phase of development.


Community garden

Garlic and onions have been planted.


Planning day

Niki is looking into a planning day possibly in July or August.


Pt Chev Community newsletter

Yolanda to ask Cameron from the community newsletter to give the in announcements about TPC meetings so people can get in touch with us.

Meeting closed 9.15pm

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